
"intrigue" in Spanish

"intrigue" in Spanish
to intrigue{transitive verb}
he wove a shameful web of intrigue
tejió una intriga vergonzosa
a master of intrigue
un maestro de la intriga
I am particularly intrigued by how the Commission considers bringing this about.
Me intriga sobremanera cómo piensa materializarlo la Comisión.
I am particularly intrigued by how the Commission considers bringing this about.
Me intriga sobremanera cómo piensa materializarlo la Comisión.
Mr President-in-Office, you were intrigued by the questioner.
– Señor Presidente en ejercicio, a usted le ha intrigado el autor de la pregunta.
I am particularly intrigued by the thought of getting married on the Internet.
Me intriga en particular la idea de casarse por Internet.

Synonyms (English) for "intrigue":
Context examples for "intrigue" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
he wove a shameful web of intrigue
tejió una intriga vergonzosa
a master of intrigue
un maestro de la intriga
a web of intrigue
una red de intriga
comedy of intrigue
comedia de enredo
And, at times, we are able to separate ourselves from these more cerebral desires and draw intrigue based solely on our reactions to space and form.
A veces cada persona tiene la capacidad de separarse de estos deseos celébrales y dibujar solamente las reacciones frente al espacio y la forma.
It has been like the dénouement of a bad Aristotelian play, because there has been no deus ex machina, just intrigue leading to the calamity and the final outcome we are now witnessing.
Fue el desenlace de una obra mal compuesta, según la teoría de Aristóteles, porque no debía haber Deux ex machina, debía ser la trama la que condujera a la catástrofe y al fin que presenciamos.