
"intrigar" in English

"intrigar" in English
intrigar{transitive verb}
Cabría preguntarse cuál es el papel de Europa en estas intrigas internas de los Estados miembros.
You might ask what Europe's role is in this internal scheming within the Member States.
Es típico que un tema importante como este sea tan a menudo objeto de intrigas.
It is typical that an important subject such as this should so often be the product of so much backhanded scheming.
Dadas las intrigas y confabulaciones que tuvieron lugar en 2004, no podemos culparle, excepto porque esta vez, observadores internacionales de elecciones han confirmado los resultados.
Given the intrigues and scheming which went on in 2004, we cannot blame her, except for the fact that this time, international election observers have confirmed the results.
Me intriga sobremanera cómo piensa materializarlo la Comisión.
I am particularly intrigued by how the Commission considers bringing this about.
– Señor Presidente en ejercicio, a usted le ha intrigado el autor de la pregunta.
Mr President-in-Office, you were intrigued by the questioner.
Me intriga en particular la idea de casarse por Internet.
I am particularly intrigued by the thought of getting married on the Internet.

Context examples for "intrigar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Y [así es:] cada vez que dejamos probar a [esa] gente [algo de Nuestra] gracia después de haberles afligido la adversidad --he aquí que inmediatamente empiezan a intrigar contra Nuestros mensajes.
They say, "If only a sign had been sent down upon him from his Lord?
El artículo publicado por dos investigadores del IPGP (CNRS-INSU, PRES Sorbona París Ciudad) y el LSCE (CNRS-INSU/IPSL, CEA UVSQ) en Quaternary Science Reviews no deja de intrigar.
The article published by two IPGP (CNRS-INSU, PRES Sorbona Paris City) and the LSCE (CNRS-INSU/IPSL, CEA UVSQ) researchers in Quaternary Science Reviews is nothing but intriguing.