
"indiscriminating" in Spanish

They do not want any more indiscriminate immigration from Eastern Europe.
No quieren que prosiga la inmigración indiscriminada desde Europa Oriental.
Immigration to Britain is now uncontrolled, unlimited and indiscriminate.
La inmigración al Reino Unido no se somete actualmente a control ni limitación, y es indiscriminada.
'Flexibility', though, does not mean sudden, total and indiscriminate abolition of all the current management measures.
Pero flexibilidad no significa abolición repentina e indiscriminada de todas las medidas de gestión actuales.
In our opinion the indiscriminate nature of this amendment is not good.
Entendemos que el carácter indiscriminado de esta enmienda no es bueno.
Terrorism knows no borders and is indiscriminate.
El terrorismo no conoce fronteras y es indiscriminado.
This is a crude and indiscriminate instrument.
Es un instrumento burdo e indiscriminado.
The crisis indiscriminately hit all the economic systems, both the strong and the less strong.
La crisis golpea los sistemas económicos indiscriminadamente tanto a los fuertes como a los débiles.
I am rather uneasy about the fact that we talk indiscriminately in terms of eggs, semen and embryos.
Me preocupa el hecho de que hablemos indiscriminadamente sobre óvulos, semen y embriones.
They have been indiscriminately bombing homes, killing civilians and destroying the entire city.
Han estado bombardeando indiscriminadamente viviendas, matando a civiles y destruyendo la ciudad entera.
While regulators must be vested with real powers, this does not mean that they should exercise these powers indiscriminately.
Si bien el regulador debe tener poderes reales, éste no podrá, sin embargo, ejercerlos sin discernimiento.

Context examples for "indiscriminating" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nevertheless, the financing of the European Schools must be also reevaluated by taking into account indiscriminating measures for the pupils with regard to their division into categories.
Sin embargo, la financiación de las Escuelas Europeas tiene que ser evaluada de nuevo teniendo en cuenta las medidas no discriminatorias para los alumnos respecto a la división en categorías.