
"indiscriminadamente" in English

"indiscriminadamente" in English
La crisis golpea los sistemas económicos indiscriminadamente tanto a los fuertes como a los débiles.
The crisis indiscriminately hit all the economic systems, both the strong and the less strong.
Me preocupa el hecho de que hablemos indiscriminadamente sobre óvulos, semen y embriones.
I am rather uneasy about the fact that we talk indiscriminately in terms of eggs, semen and embryos.
Han estado bombardeando indiscriminadamente viviendas, matando a civiles y destruyendo la ciudad entera.
They have been indiscriminately bombing homes, killing civilians and destroying the entire city.

Context examples for "indiscriminadamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ha accedido a que las autoridades regionales promuevan indiscriminadamente la caza en los parques.
It has consented to the indiscriminate promotion of hunting in parks by regional authorities.
no se puede tachar a todos indiscriminadamente de reaccionarios
they can't all be lumped together as reactionaries
utilizan los recursos naturales indiscriminadamente
they make indiscriminate use of natural resources
Señora Presidenta, permítame en primer lugar protestar contra esta sesión, donde todo cabe indiscriminadamente, dedicada a la pesca.
Madam President, I should first like to protest against this rag-bag sitting devoted to fisheries.
¿No cree el Consejo que resulta claramente injusto relacionar indiscriminadamente el nacionalismo con el racismo y la xenofobia?
Does the Council not agree that it is manifestly unfair to link nationalism with racism and xenophobia in such an indiscriminate manner?
No hay que dudar en aplicar sanciones indiscriminadamente contra los que atenten contra el acuerdo contraído en Dayton, o contra los que lo saboteen de otro modo.
Do not hesitate to use sanctions against anyone who breaks the Dayton Agreement or who sabotages it in any way.
Las redes se reservan para sí mismas el papel de protagonista y utilizan los contenidos indiscriminadamente y, con frecuencia, sin respeto.
The networks have cast themselves in the role of protagonist and are using the content without any discretion and often without any respect.
Naturalmente, no apoyo indiscriminadamente la política económica actual; pienso que contiene demasiado ahorro y pocas medidas que promuevan el crecimiento.
Naturally, I do not fully support the economic policy, I think that there are too many cutbacks and not enough growth promoting measures.
(Juan 4:21); significa que estará indiscriminadamente dondequiera que estemos en total fidelidad.
“You will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem,” Jesus said (John 4:21); he would be wherever we are in indiscriminate faithfulness.
Quisiera por último rechazar los comentarios hechos por el señor Brie al hablar indiscriminadamente de los talibanes y de los norteamericanos: creo que ha sido algo deplorable.
Finally I should like to condemn the remarks that were made by Mr Brie when he talked about the Taliban and the Americans in the same breath: I think that was disgraceful.