
"give it to me!" in Spanish

"give it to me!" in Spanish

Context examples for "give it to me!" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Madam President, I can ask the honourable Member if he can give way to me.
Señora Presidenta, quiero pedirle a su Señoría si puede cederme la palabra.
You refuse to give it to me.
Le pido la palabra para retirar algunas de esas enmiendas y no me la concede.
If you would like to give me some information about this, please give it to me in writing.
Si usted deseara darme algo de información acerca de esto, por favor facilítemela por escrito.
I would be most grateful if the Chancellor could give reassurances to me on that point.
Quedaría sumamente agradecido si la señora Canciller pudiera ofrecerme garantías en esta cuestión.
he wouldn't give it to me even if I went down on my hands and knees
no me lo daría ni aunque se lo pidiera de rodillas
I'm not very hopeful that they'll give it to me
no me hago muchas ilusiones de que me lo vayan a conceder
don't you give up on me, Sarah, I'm counting on you
no me vayas a dejar plantado, Sarah, cuento contigo
Mr President, a society consumed by rights is a 'give-me, give-me' society which has lost its balance.
Señor Presidente, una sociedad consumida por los derechos es una sociedad de pedigüeños que ha perdido el equilibrio.
give it to me straight, Meg, am I going to get better?
dímelo con franqueza, Meg ¿me voy a mejorar?
Anyone else can give it to me in writing.
Si hay otras quejas ruego que me las pasen por escrito.
don't you give up on me, Sarah, I'm counting on you
no me vayas a fallar, Sarah, cuento contigo
if you don't want it, why don't you give it to me?
si no lo quieres ¿por qué no me lo regalas?
I give up, tell me where you've hidden it
me rindo, dime dónde lo has escondido
I do not know whether you can give me the floor now or whether you wish to give it to me after the decision on Mr Speroni's proposal.
No sé si me puede dar la palabra ahora o si prefiere dármela después de la decisión sobre la propuesta del señor Speroni.
will you give it to me? — certainly not
de ninguna manera
to give it to me more slowly
barájamela más despacio
to give it to me straight
sé sincero conmigo
to give it to me straight
dime la verdad
to give it to me straight
dime la neta
Bin Laden, his beard still burning, replied: ‘I was very ill and I asked the social security authorities in Saudi Arabia for an invalidity pension, but they didn’t give it to me.
Bin Laden, con su barba ardiendo, me respondía: «Estaba muy enfermo y pedí a la Seguridad Social de Arabia Saudí una pensión de invalidez, pero no me la concedieron.