
"gas mostaza" in English

"gas mostaza" in English
¿Qué se hizo de las granadas de gas mostaza?
What was done with the mustard gas grenades?
En anteriores debates, he hablado de la utilización de gas mostaza en las marismas en 1996 y de las víctimas a las que vi.
I have talked in earlier debates of the use of mustard gas in the marshes in 1996 and of the victims I saw.

Context examples for "gas mostaza" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En anteriores debates, he hablado de la utilización de gas mostaza en las marismas en 1996 y de las víctimas a las que vi.
I have talked in earlier debates of the use of mustard gas in the marshes in 1996 and of the victims I saw.
¿Qué se hizo de las granadas de gas mostaza?
What was done with the mustard gas grenades?
Ha matado a seres muy cercanos de su propia familia y ha utilizado granadas de gas mostaza para asesinar a sus propios súbditos.
He has murdered those closest to him in his own family, and he has employed gas grenades to kill his own people.