
"gallantly" in Spanish

galán{m} [oldfsh.]
galanteador{m} [oldfsh.]
galante{adj. m}
He was gallant and kind in his congratulations.
Ha sido galante y amble en sus felicitaciones.
The honourable and gallant Member, General Morillon, mentioned the vote in the Senate and that it had been lost by 51 to 48.
El distinguido y galante diputado General Morillon, se ha referido a la votación en el Senado y al hecho de que se perdiera por 51 contra 48.
gallant(also: brave)
bizarro{adj. m}
juncal{adj. m/f}
caballeresco{adj.} (comportamiento, modales)
versallesco{adj.} (sumamente cortés)
aguerrido{adj.} [poet.]
He was gallant, he was wise, he was dashing, he was principled and he was immensely effective.
Era valiente, inteligente, resuelto, tenía principios y era enormemente efectivo.
Our very Constitution makes reference to our gallant allies in Europe.
Nuestra propia Constitución hace referencia a nuestros nobles aliados en Europa.
My honourable and gallant friend General Morillon reminded us of the consequences in the Balkans of intransigence.
Su Señoría y noble amigo el general Morrillon nos ha recordado las consecuencias de la intransigencia en los Balcanes.

Synonyms (English) for "gallantly":
Context examples for "gallantly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nevertheless, things are as they are and it falls to me to gallantly accept the duties I have been given.
No obstante, las cosas son como son y, por ello, me toca a mí aceptar con valentía los deberes que se me han otorgado.