
"valerosamente" in English

"valerosamente" in English
valerosa{adjective feminine}
Pero, más que nada, mantenemos hoy nuestros lazos comunes de humanidad mientras nuestros amigos americanos buscan valerosamente a sus supervivientes y a sus muertos.
But, most of all, we stand today in our common bond of humanity as our American friends bravely search for their survivors and for their dead.
Si se quiere, a la inversa, dar su oportunidad a las fuerzas democráticas serbias y yugoslavas, dejemos que éstas asuman su responsabilidad valerosamente, hasta el final.
However, if you want to give Serb and Yugoslav democratic powers a chance, allow them to bravely take on their responsibility and see things through to the end.
Pero sé que han peleado valerosamente.
But I know that they fought courageously.
Mientras no se avance valerosamente en esta vía, el crimen continuará prosperando a costa de tragedias individuales.
As long as we fail to courageously advance along this path, crime will continue to prosper from individual tragedies.
Al abordar cuestiones como la inmigración y la incorporación de Turquía sincera y valerosamente, ha logrado debilitar a los partidos extremistas.
By approaching issues such as immigration and the accession of Turkey honestly and courageously, he has succeeded in weakening the extremist parties.
gallantly{adv.} (bravely)
valerosa{adjective feminine}

Context examples for "valerosamente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
matrimonio, tienden a capacitar a los esposos para cooperar valerosamente con el
family life which results from it is directed to disposing the spouses to
Este aspecto se hizo patente recientemente en Irlanda con el asesinato de una valiente periodista que investigaba valerosamente actividades delictivas.
This was brought home to us in Ireland very recently with the shooting dead of a brave journalist who fearlessly investigated criminal wrongdoing.