
"exhilarating" in Spanish

estimulante{adj. m/f}
Life on tour demands a lot from you, but it is also an exhilarating
Las giras exigen mucho de uno mismo, pero a la vez es una experiencia muy estimulante.
As for the lever, you have described all the appropriate mechanisms in your exhilarating proposal, which is exciting in so many respects.
En cuanto a la palanca, describió todos sus mecanismos a través de su propuesta, apasionante y excitante en muchos aspectos.

Synonyms (English) for "exhilarating":
Context examples for "exhilarating" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mr President, this will certainly not be remembered as an exhilarating chapter in Parliament's history.
Señor Presidente, desde luego que no recordaremos con júbilo este capítulo de la historia del Parlamento.
The cumulative effect of these two proposals, which incidently are partly contradictory, is hardly exhilarating.
La combinación de esas dos propuestas, por lo demás parcialmente contradictorias, no resulta exaltante precisamente.
This is clearly an exhilarating project.
Se trata claramente de un proyecto ilusionante.
Let yourselves be attracted by his example, which has changed the history of the world and directed it toward an exhilarating goal.
Dejaos atraer por su ejemplo, que ha cambiado la historia del mundo y la ha orientado hacia una meta exaltante.
La Nouba which calls on both individual and collective memory, is an unforgettable journey into a world at once threatening and exhilarating, frightening and familiar.
Sólo en el Walt Disney World® Resort en Florida.
It is exhilarating to see the Council, the Commission, Parliament and the nation states struggling in their attempts to regulate their sacrosanct competitive market.
Es divertido ver al Consejo, la Comisión, el Parlamento y los Estados nacionales esforzarse en tratar de regular su sacrosanto mercado competitivo.
It is exhilarating to see the Council, the Commission, Parliament and the nation states struggling in their attempts to regulate their sacrosanct competitive market.
Es divertido ver al Consejo, la Comisión, el Parlamento y los Estados nacionales esforzarse en tratar de regular su sacrosanto mercado competitivo.
Madam President, this is a passionate, exhilarating if somewhat controversial debate, but nevertheless, I am certainly enjoying this expression of democracy.
Señora Presidenta, este es un debate apasionante, hilarante y un tanto controvertido pero, en todo caso, yo desde luego estoy disfrutando de esta expresión de democracia.
The political forces that have promoted this far from exhilarating debate are still heavily weighed down by the responsibility for what is certainly not a high level political manoeuvre.
Sobre las fuerzas políticas, que han hecho que este diste de ser un debate exaltante, sigue pesando mucho la responsabilidad de lo que desde luego no es una maniobra política de alto nivel.