
"exasperar" in English

"exasperar" in English
Esto iba en contra de la estrategia de negociación de la UE y ha exasperado a un número considerable de dirigentes europeos.
This was contrary to the EU's negotiating strategy and exasperated a significant number of other European leaders.
Comisaria Wallström, sé que está tan exasperada y tan cansada de estas discusiones como yo, pero no basta con decir que necesitamos más tiempo.
Commissioner Wallström, I know you are as exasperated and exhausted by these arguments as I am, but it is not enough to say we need more time.
La lista es larga y los georgianos están lógicamente exasperados.
The list is long and the Georgians are utterly exasperated.
to aggravate[aggravated · aggravated] {v.t.} [coll.] [idiom] (annoy)

Context examples for "exasperar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No deben engañarnos las compensaciones esporádicas que Lukashenko hace a la Unión Europea con el único motivo de exasperar a Rusia o viceversa.
We must not be misled by Lukashenko's occasional making up to the European Union just to infuriate Russia temporarily, or vice versa.