
"double doors" in Spanish

"double doors" in Spanish

Context examples for "double doors" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
For a start, she could not get into the Parliament's buildings in Brussels without going through revolving doors because they refused to open the double doors.
Para empezar, no podía entrar en el edificio del Parlamento en Bruselas sin pasar por las puertas giratorias porque se negaban a abrir las puertas dobles.
If you want to put an end to double standards behind padded doors, you have to give parliaments more of a say in decision-making processes and say a resounding yes to the Constitutional Treaty.
Si quieren poner fin al doble rasero que se aplica a escondidas, tienen que otorgar a los Parlamentos un mayor peso en los procesos de decisión y dar un claro sí al Tratado constitucional.