
"discomposure" in Spanish

We must all show the same composure, seriousness of purpose and maturity.
Todos debemos dar muestra de la misma serenidad, resolución y madurez.
I therefore believe that this strategy shows composure, and is calm and lucid.
Por consiguiente, creo que esta estrategia muestra mesura, serenidad y lucidez.
We have spoken with one voice and at the same time maintained our composure.
Nos hemos manifestado con una sola voz y, al mismo tiempo, hemos mantenido la serenidad.
to recover one's composure
recobrar la compostura
Incidentally, we must pay tribute to the Uzbeks for their composure which has prevented the conflict from escalating.
Casualmente, debemos rendir un homenaje a los uzbekos por su compostura, gracias a la cual el conflicto no ha adquirido mayores dimensiones.
to regain one's composure
recobrar la compostura
I am sure the serene attitude is due to the composure of the rapporteur.
Estoy seguro de que la actitud serena se debe a la calma de la ponente.
For now, however, we should keep our composure.
Pero de momento, debemos mantener la calma.
There was a serious, unexpected reason and Parliament is attempting to deal with the matter with composure, determination and consistency.
Existe una razón de peso que no podíamos prever para ello, y el Parlamento está tratando de abordar el asunto con calma, determinación y coherencia.
she took some time to regain her composure
tardó bastante en recuperar el aplomo
he never loses his composure
nunca pierde el aplomo

Synonyms (English) for "discomposure":
Context examples for "discomposure" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I notice with some discomposure that the army seems to be taking the law into its own hands in various cases.
Con gran inquietud constato que en diferentes ocasiones el ejército parece tomar la justicia por su mano.