
"defraudado" in English

"defraudado" in English
broken{adj.} (not fulfilled)
to dash[dashed · dashed] {v.t.} (disappoint)
Estoy convencido de que no defraudaréis dichas esperanzas.
I am convinced that you will not dash these expectations.
Una y otra vez una esperanza tras otra se han visto defraudadas.
Time and again one hope after another has been dashed.
Para nosotros, los diputados, tampoco resulta agradable tener que defraudar constantemente expectativas mediante docenas de negativas.
And it is not much fun for us Members of the European Parliament to keep dashing hopes as we turn down applicants by the dozen.
to let down {vb} (disappoint)
No puedo creer que pudiéramos defraudar a las generaciones futuras pasándola por alto o desaprovechándola.
I cannot believe that we will let down future generations by ignoring or wasting it.
No podemos defraudar a nuestros ciudadanos.
We cannot let down our citizens.
No podemos defraudar la confianza que han depositado en nosotros unas personas porque otras llaman a la puerta.
We cannot have a situation where people who place their trust in us are let down in favour of the next ones in the queue.
Sería muy perjudicial defraudar ahora esas expectativas.
It would be extremely damaging now to disappoint these expectations.
En este sentido, la Unión Europea no debe defraudar a Turquía.
Nor must the European Union disappoint Turkey in this respect.
Hemos tenido que defraudar a una gran cantidad de colegas.
We had to disappoint a large number of colleagues.
Se trata claramente de una práctica engañosa encaminada a defraudar al consumidor.
It is a clearly misleading practice designed to defraud the consumer.
Eso no quiere decir que tenga intención de defraudar.
That is not to say that he means to defraud.
defraudar al estado
to defraud the state

Synonyms (Spanish) for "defraudar":
Context examples for "defraudado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
¡Ved cómo se han engañado a sí mismos --y cómo su falsa imaginería les ha defraudado!
See how they lie against themselves, and how what they did invent deserts them!
Ahora pagarán más porque el Primer Ministro los ha defraudado y ha fallado al país.
They will be paying more because the Prime Minister has let them and the country down.
No obstante, me han defraudado las propuestas que ha presentado la Comisión Europea.
Nevertheless, I am disappointed with the proposals put forward by the European Commission.
Señor Presidente, me ha defraudado, al igual que a mis colegas, la respuesta.
Mr President, I am as disappointed as my colleagues at the response.
Señor Comisario, hoy le puedo decir que no ha defraudado nuestras esperanzas.
Commissioner, I can assure you today, you have not disappointed us.
El Grupo del PPE-DE depositó su confianza en usted y no nos ha defraudado.
The PPE-DE Group placed its trust in you and you did not let us down.
Daniel Ortega ha defraudado a su pueblo y a su país en numerosas ocasiones.
Daniel Ortega has failed his people and his country many times over.
Me ha defraudado mucho que esta importantísima cuestión no ocupe un puesto superior en el orden del día.
I am very disappointed that this very important issue is not further up the agenda.
Yo también me he sentido defraudado por lo que he leído y escuchado sobre lo sucedido en Bali.
I too was disappointed at what I read and heard of events in Bali.
Esto ha defraudado a personas que no deberían haberse visto defraudadas.
People have been let down by this who should not have been.
Hemos defraudado las esperanzas que Europa tenía en ese avance.
We have failed to meet Europe ’ s expectations for such growth.
Me parece que hemos defraudado a los ciudadanos de nuestras circunscripciones de toda la Unión Europea.
I feel we have let down our constituents across the European Union.
Me sentiría muy defraudado si más adelante, el próximo año, tuviéramos una escasez de grano alarmante.
I certainly would be very concerned if, later next year, we had a very serious grain shortage.
Compruebo que no me he visto totalmente defraudado al respecto.
I can see that I have not been completely let down in this.
Sé que el consumidor del Grupo Europa se siente defraudado porque no se ha vuelto a presentar una enmienda.
I know that the Consumer in Europe Group is disappointed that one amendment was not re-tabled.
La Presidencia francesa del Consejo antes y durante las negociaciones me ha defraudado amargamente.
I was bitterly disappointed by the French Presidency of the Council before and during the negotiations.
Pero quien pensase que el Consejo lo iba a apoyar decididamente se ha visto amargamente defraudado.
But anyone thinking that the Council would be actively supporting that programme is in for a disappointment.
le teníamos tanta fe y ya ves, nos ha defraudado
we had such faith in him and look what happened, he's let us down
El asunto requiere liderazgo, y el G-8 nos ha defraudado.
This issue needs leadership, and the G8 let us down.
Polonia jamás ha defraudado a Europa y nunca lo hará.
Poland has never let Europe down, and it never will.