
"daily routine" in Spanish

"daily routine" in Spanish

Similar translations for "daily routine" in Spanish
Context examples for "daily routine" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I therefore do not share the view that people can change the history of the planet with their daily routine.
Por lo tanto, no comparto la opinión de que las personas pueden cambiar la historia del planeta con su rutina diaria.
I wanted some relief from the daily routine
quería escapar un poco de la rutina diaria
the daily routine
la rutina de todos los días
my daily work routine
mi trabajo cotidiano
It is great for children who have been snatched from their familiar surroundings to find respite and a fixed daily routine quickly, and education can help in this.
Al ser alejados de su entorno habitual, los niños tienen mucho interés en encontrar lo antes posible sosiego y un horario fijo.
the daily routine
el día a día
Medical assistance is forbidden, rape and terror of unbearable kinds are daily routine.
Con ayuda de medidas draconianas son excluidas sistemáticamente de la vida pública, se niega la atención médica y las violaciones y el terror están a la orden del día.