
"contagiado" in English

"contagiado" in English
to pass on {vb} (transmit)
no te quiero contagiar el resfriado
I don't want to pass my cold on to you
no te acerques, que puedes contagiar al bebé
don't get too close, you might infect the baby
La carne fresca de animales vacunados porta virus, y podría contagiar a animales sanos que se alimentaran con desperdicios de estos mismos.
Fresh meat from vaccinated animals carries the virus and may infect healthy animals that feed on swill containing it.
Según las investigaciones, las mujeres son más propensas a enfermar de sida tras haber sido contagiadas con el VIH.
According to research, once infected with HIV, women are more susceptible to AIDS.
No debemos permitir ni por asomo que la enfermedad se contagie a través de piensos contaminados.
The disease must not be allowed to spread by accident as a result of contaminated feed.
Esta es, pues, la primera lección que debemos sacar: ante todo hay que detener el contagio.
This is, therefore, the first lesson to draw: we must initially block the spread of the disease.
Existe, además, un posible contagio del conflicto a los países limítrofes.
There is also potential for the conflict to spread to neighbouring countries.
Esto ha facilitado el contagio, y ha dificultado, por no decir que ha imposibilitado, el control de las enfermedades de país a país.
As a result, diseases are easily transmitted and it is difficult, if not impossible, to stop diseases moving from one country to another.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "contagiado":
Context examples for "contagiado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Por desgracia, también ellos se han contagiado de la enfermedad europea de la impotencia y la parálisis.
Unfortunately, they too have been infected with the European disease of impotence and paralysis.
Pedrito tiene sarampión y ahora se ha contagiado Cristina
Pedrito has measles and now Cristina has caught it
a ti no se te han contagiado sus buenos modales
their good manners haven't rubbed off on you