
"con pena" in English

"con pena" in English

Context examples for "con pena" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
He votado con pena contra este resultado de un procedimiento de conciliación.
It was with some regret that I voted against this outcome of a conciliation procedure.
He votado con pena contra este resultado de un procedimiento de conciliación.
. It was with some regret that I voted against this outcome of a conciliation procedure.
Además, China ha ampliado el número de delitos que pueden castigarse con la pena de muerte.
In addition, China has increased the number of crimes liable to the death penalty.
Conforme al Código Penal iraní, el acto conocido como lavat se castiga con la pena de muerte.
Under the Iranian criminal code the act known as lavat is punishable by death.
Estamos luchando por el derecho a la vida y esto no es compatible con la pena de muerte.
We are fighting for the right to life and this is not compatible with the death penalty.
Entretanto, el Estado amenaza con la pena de muerte a los periodistas.
Meanwhile, journalists are now also being threatened with the death penalty by the State.
La conversión al cristianismo está prohibida e incluso se castiga con la pena de muerte.
Conversion to Christianity is forbidden or even punishable by death.
En Taiwán se han reducido aquellos delitos que son susceptibles de ser sancionados con pena de muerte.
In Taiwan the number of crimes punishable by the death penalty has been reduced.
Se esté o no de acuerdo con él, vale la pena escuchar sus discursos.
Whether one agrees with him or not, his speeches are worth hearing.
Por el momento, lamentablemente, y lo digo con dolor y pena, no es más que una frase.
At the moment, unfortunately, and I say this with pain and regret, it is nothing more than a phrase.
Hoy me veo obligado, con pena, a decidir sobre este asunto.
It is with regret that I am forced to make a decision on this report today.
Por ello, vale la pena examinar con más detalle la eficacia de las medidas que llevan a cabo.
It is therefore worth examining in more detail the effectiveness of the measures they carry out.
Es hasta cierto punto decepcionante, pero vale la pena contar con él.
It is to an extent disappointing. But it is worth having.
A mi entender, y lo digo con pena, hubo cierta precipitación.
In my view, I am sad to say, I think we were all a little hasty.
Lo abandonamos con cierta pena porque, en el fondo, es una sede histórica del Parlamento Europeo.
We are rather sorry to leave it, because this is the historic residence of the European Parliament.
La tortura, junto con la pena de muerte, es una violación del más fundamental de los derechos humanos.
Torture, together with the death penalty, is a violation of the most fundamental of human rights.
Por tanto, el euro es algo que vale la pena defender con firmeza.
The euro is therefore well worth strongly defending.
La conversión al cristianismo se considera una forma de aspotasía y está castigada con la pena de muerte.
Conversion to Christianity is considered as a form of apostasy and is punished by the death penalty.
Hoy día, en Corea del Norte eso se castiga con la pena de muerte.
Today, this is punishable by death in North Korea.
no vale la pena agarrarse con él por esa estupidez
there's no point arguing with him over a silly thing like that