
"competer" in English

"competer" in English
competer[competiendo · competido] {intransitive verb}
competer a algn
to be the responsibility of sb
Es algo que compete a muchos otros y que se debe tomar en serio.
The responsibility lies in many other quarters and this responsibility needs to be taken seriously.
La responsabilidad de ello compete directamente a los gobiernos y autoridades de los Estados miembros.
Responsibility for this rests squarely with Member State governments and authorities.
Unless you learn to compete in Europe, you will not be able to compete globally.
Si no aprendemos a competir en Europa, no podremos competir en el mundo.
These proposals will cripple British ability to compete in Europe.
Estas propuestas mutilan las posibilidades británicas para competir en Europa.
European companies must be able to compete with the rest of the world.
Es importante que las empresas europeas puedan competir con el resto del mundo.
Until we apply real costs, roads will be cheaper and neither combined transport nor the railways will be able to compete.
Ni el transporte combinado ni el ferrocarril pueden concurrir.
concursar[concursando · concursado] {v.i.} (para un puesto)
The successful candidates were then allowed to compete and, finally, contractors for different lots were then chosen on the basis of cost and quantity.
Se realizó un concurso entre los candidatos admitidos y, por último, se seleccionaron contratistas para diferentes lotes sobre la base del coste y la cantidad.
Anyone can give advice and still bid for the contract, as long as the advice that has been given does not preclude others from competing fairly.
Todos pueden dar asesoramiento y, a pesar de ello, licitar para obtener el contrato, siempre que el asesoramiento que hayan dado no impida que otros puedan intervenir equitativamente en el concurso.
Mr President, the national parliaments and the European Parliament have to cooperate, not compete with one other.
Señor Presidente, Parlamentos nacionales y Parlamento Europeo tienen que colaborar, no rivalizar.
It would be desirable if the European Member States started to compete with each other on the basis of who has the "greenest' tax system.
Sería de desear que los Estados miembros europeos empezaran a rivalizar entre sí para ver quién tiene el sistema fiscal más ecológico.
It would be desirable if the European Member States started to compete with each other on the basis of who has the " greenest ' tax system.
Sería de desear que los Estados miembros europeos empezaran a rivalizar entre sí para ver quién tiene el sistema fiscal más ecológico.
to compete[competed · competed] {intransitive verb}
It is also clear that those who say they are going to do it themselves must not be allowed to compete elsewhere.
También está claro que quien diga que lo hace él mismo no puede participar en otro lugar en la competencia.
However, its sportswomen and men compete in many other disciplines at both international and European level.
Además, participa en distintas disciplinas en campeonatos mundiales y europeos.
Small and medium-sized firms too must be able to compete in the new developments, because this is where new jobs lie.
También las pequeñas y medianas empresas han de poder participar competitivamente en los nuevos desarrollos, porque generan empleo.

Context examples for "competer" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
competer a algn
to be the responsibility of sb
Como ya se ha dicho aquí, las mujeres deben participar y ser protagonistas en todo este proceso; no solo debe competer a los hombres esta labor.
As has already been said here, women should participate and be players throughout this process; it should not be conducted only by men.
competer a algn
to be incumbent on sb