
"commending" in Spanish

"commending" in Spanish
to commend{transitive verb}
I commend it to you, Commissioner, and I commend it to the House.
Le encomiendo esta enmienda a usted, señor Comisario, y la encomiendo a la Asamblea.
Obviously we commend the Hungarian authority's willingness to amend the legislation.
Obviamente nos encomendamos a la voluntad de la autoridad húngara de enmendar la ley.
Consequently, I commend this solution to you and look forward to your vote.
Por tanto, les encomiendo esta solución y espero con interés su votación.
Mr President, I would like to commend the rapporteur on his excellent report.
Señor Presidente, quisiera elogiar al ponente por su excelente informe.
Together they have produced a comprehensive and balanced report, which I commend.
Juntos han elaborado un informe exhaustivo y equilibrado, que deseo elogiar.
And lastly, I would commend the rapporteur on what is an excellent report.
Finalmente, quiero elogiar a la ponente por la excelente calidad de su informe.
I would like to commend this result of the conciliation to the House.
Quisiera recomendar a la Asamblea este resultado de la conciliación.
It is with great pleasure that I commend this resolution to the House.
Es para mí un gran placer recomendar a la Asamblea la presente resolución.
I should like to commend the points made by our colleague, Mrs McNally.
Quisiera recomendar las observaciones formuladas por nuestra colega la Sra.

Context examples for "commending" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
(DE) Mr President, I would like to begin by commending you for permitting such dialogue.
(DE) Señor Presidente, quiero empezar elogiándole por permitir dicho diálogo.
. – Mr President, I shall start by commending Mrs Saïfi on her outstanding work.
. – Señor Presidente, voy a comenzar felicitando a la señora Saïfi por su excelente trabajo.
. – Mr President, I shall start by commending Mrs Saïfi on her outstanding work.
Para que tal estrategia prospere, va a exigir la aprobación de medidas tanto defensivas como más activas.
Mr President, I should like to start by commending the rapporteur on the job he has done.
Señor Presidente, quisiera comenzar felicitando al ponente por la labor que ha realizado.
Mr President, it is only right that I should begin by commending the work of the various rapporteurs.
Señor Presidente, es justo comenzar distinguiendo el trabajo de los diversos ponentes.
I will end by commending the cooperation between the Council and the Commission on this issue.
Me gustaría terminar alabando la cooperación entre el Consejo y la Comisión con respecto a este tema.
and for ever" (Heb 13:8), and commending all our hopes and
ayer, hoy y siempre» (Hb 13, 8), y poniendo todos los anhelos y
- (FR) Madam President, I should like to begin by commending the work of our colleague, Mr Andersson.
- (FR) Señora Presidenta, quiero empezar comentando el trabajo de nuestro colega, el señor Andersson.
Commending you and all the faithful of Nigeria to the
a vosotros y a todos los fieles de Nigeria a la protección de la
We seem to be commending a flawless piece of work, as if we were unaware of its weaknesses.
Parece como si estuviéramos ensalzando un producto perfecto, como si no fuéramos conscientes de sus deficiencias.
I would like to join everybody in commending both rapporteurs.
Quisiera unirme a todos en los elogios a los ponentes.
I begin by commending him on that excellent report.
Antes que nada, le felicito por su informe, que es excelente.
I would like to start by commending Ms Smet, a former colleague, indeed one of two former colleagues taking part in this debate.
Es un tema al que tanto la Comisión como la Unión Europea otorgan gran importancia.
I should like to begin by commending Mr Kirkhope on his efforts to defend Parliament’s prerogatives.
Quiero comenzar por reconocer los esfuerzos del señor Kirkhope en su defensa de las prerrogativas del Parlamento.
However, I am not commending the sixth amendment to the House and I want to say just a few words about it.
En cambio, no recomiendo al Parlamento que apruebe la sexta enmienda, y quisiera decir algo acerca de ella.
Let me conclude my rather rapid overview of the subject by once again commending the rapporteur on his report.
Permítanme concluir mi rápida visión general del tema felicitando una vez más al ponente por su informe.
I have great honour in commending this motion.
Es para mí un gran honor recomendarles esta propuesta.
Mr President, I would like to start off by commending Mr Wynn for his discharge report on the general budget.
Señor Presidente, para empezar, quiero felicitar al Sr. Wynn por su informe sobre la aprobación de la gestión del presupuesto general.
Whilst on the one hand commending Azerbaijan for this progress, we agree with OSCE-ODIHR that it might not be sufficient.
Mientras por una parte felicitamos a Azerbaiyán por este progreso, estamos de acuerdo con la OSCE-OIDDH en que puede que no sea suficiente.
I would like to start by commending Ms Smet, a former colleague, indeed one of two former colleagues taking part in this debate.
Quisiera empezar saludando a la Sra. Smet, una antigua colega, de hecho una de dos ex colegas míos que participan en este debate.