
"clinical care" in Spanish

"clinical care" in English

Context examples for "clinical care" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This primarily involves health care, including clinical and preventive research and medical technologies.
Esto implica principalmente la atención sanitaria, incluyendo la investigación clínica y preventiva, y las tecnologías médicas.
The small number of trials, and the small sample sizes of the included trials limit the recommendations for clinical care.
Las recomendaciones para la atención clínica son limitadas debido al escaso número de ensayos clínicos y a los pequeños tamaños de muestra de los ensayos incluidos.
To evaluate the impact of different methods of payment (capitation, salary, fee for service and mixed systems of payment) on the clinical behaviour of primary care physicians (PCPs).
Evaluar el impacto de diferentes métodos de pago (capitación, sueldo, tarifas por servicios y sistemas mixtos de pago) sobre la conducta clínica de médicos de atención primaria (MAPs).