
"claim number" in Spanish

"claim number" in English

Context examples for "claim number" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We can claim to enclose a number of possible loopholes.
Podemos afirmar que hemos cerrado varios posibles vacíos legales.
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, BSE is the biggest tragedy ever to hit European veterinary, an unparalleled tragedy which will claim an unknown number of victims.
Señor Presidente, Señorías, la EEB constituye el drama más importante de la historia veterinaria europea, un drama sin igual y que afectará a un número desconocido de víctimas.
It is entirely wrong to claim - as a number of colleagues on the left side of this House have - that every single closure is because a company 'wants to add to its bottom line '.
Es completamente erróneo argumentar -como han hecho algunos colegas de la izquierda de esta Cámara- que cada cierre se debe a que una empresa« quiere aumentar su resultado neto».