
"capricho" in English

"capricho" in English
No es un capricho de la Comisión establecer esos criterios.
The Commission does not set these criteria on a whim.
Nunca se emigra por capricho, siempre por obligación.
No one emigrates on a whim: it is always out of necessity.
Este artículo no puede revocarse a capricho de nadie.
This article cannot be revoked on anyone’s whim.
un capricho pasajero
a passing fancy
La respuesta es que la Comisión no ha propuesto arbitrariamente dichos aranceles por simple capricho, sino porque ha habido una queja.
The answer is that these duties are not just arbitrarily proposed because the Commission thinks that it is a fancy thing to do, but because of a complaint made.
La ecocondicionalidad, los topes, la modulación, no son caprichos intelectuales, sino pasos obligados para garantizar algún futuro a la madre de todas las políticas comunitarias.
Eco-compatibility, ceilings and differentiation are not intellectual flights of fancy, but much-needed elements to ensure that the mother of all Community policies has some sort of a future.

Context examples for "capricho" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Ahora el señor Blair quiere implicar a la nación británica en otra mentira y otro capricho.
Now Mr Blair wants to embroil the British nation in yet another lie and fantasy.
"¿Vais a construir por mero capricho altares [idólatras] en cada cima,
I ask of you no fee for it; my wage is only the concern of the Lord of the Worlds.
Sin embargo, por encima de todo no olvidemos que no se nos solicita esa información solamente por capricho.
However, let us, above all, not forget that they are not asking for information just for kicks.
No olvidemos que la élite política de Turkmenistán también está sometida al capricho de Turkmenbashi Niyazov.
In the final analysis, Turkmenistan's political leaders are just as much at the mercy of Turkmenbashi Niyazov.
No olvidemos que la élite política de Turkmenistán también está sometida al capricho de Turkmenbashi Niyazov.
In the final analysis, Turkmenistan' s political leaders are just as much at the mercy of Turkmenbashi Niyazov.
vivíamos sometidos al capricho de nuestro padre
we lived in subjection to our father's whim
Por tanto, desearía señalar que Eslovenia no saca a colación que los documentos de Croacia no son creíbles por capricho.
Therefore, I would like to point out that Slovenia is not being capricious in mentioning that Croatia's documents are not credible.
se lo compró por puro capricho
he just took it into his head to buy it
ni habla por capricho:
Nor does he speak out of (his own) desire.
No quisiera que se creyera que es un capricho que sólo pertenece a un hemisferio cerebral o, en todo caso, político.
I should not like people to think that it is a peculiar form of madness affecting only one side of the brain or indeed one side of the House.
se lo compró por puro capricho
he bought it on an impulse
lo hizo por puro capricho
she did it purely on a whim
Haug hubiese elaborado el informe para satisfacer un capricho personal.
Ladies and gentlemen, I rather got the impression today that you thought Mrs Haug had drawn up this report largely for her own amusement.
La razón de ello es que la investigación no es un capricho, sino una necesidad que garantiza la competitividad de la economía europea a escala mundial.
The reason for this is that research is not a fad, but a necessity which guarantees the European economy's competitiveness at a global level.
La inclusión de condiciones mínimas para el desarrollo del tráfico aéreo, tanto desde el punto de vista espacial como medioambiental, no es un capricho.
It is not an unnecessary exercise to indicate the pre-conditions within which aviation should function, both in terms of space and the environment.
La negativa a emitir un dictamen me lleva a pensar en un niño caprichoso al que no le consienten el capricho y por eso rechaza enfadado todo lo que le dan.
Refusing to give one's opinion reminds me of a petulant child which does not get what it wants, and therefore pushes aside everything it does get.
De lo contrario, al capricho de los plazos electorales, unas mayorías circunstanciales podrían elegir como cabeza de turco a uno u otro comisario.
Otherwise, whoever had a majority at any given time could choose whichever Commissioner they liked as a whipping boy to fit in with their electoral calendar.
Las primeras impresiones del ponente del Consejo de Europa, Dick Marty, nos reafirman en la convicción de que una investigación por nuestra parte no es, a buen seguro, un capricho.
There is currently insufficient information available to assume that nothing is wrong, but the European Parliament also has its own responsibility.
Subrayo esto porque Montenegro siempre se rechaza equivocadamente como ejemplo de territorio diminuto y superfluo que un buen día se hizo independiente por un capricho del destino.
I stress this because Montenegro is always wrongly dismissed as an example of a superfluous tiny land that suddenly found itself independent by a quirk of fate.
Las primeras impresiones del ponente del Consejo de Europa, Dick Marty, nos reafirman en la convicción de que una investigación por nuestra parte no es, a buen seguro, un capricho.
The first impressions gleaned by the Council of Europe’s rapporteur, Dick Marty, strengthen us in the belief that an inquiry of our own is certainly not a luxury.