
"cabinets" in Spanish

The newly appointed Fayyad emergency cabinet offers this opportunity.
El recién nombrado gabinete de emergencia de Fayad dispone de esta oportunidad.
I can only confirm that the day after tomorrow there will be a cabinet meeting.
Solo puedo confirmar que el gabinete se reunirá pasado mañana.
Mr Topolánek and his entire cabinet have proved that it is possible.
El señor Topolánek y todos los miembros de su gabinete han demostrado que es posible.
AXIS T98A-VE Surveillance Cabinet Series AXIS T97A10 Enclosure
Serie de armarios de vigilancia AXIS T98A-VE Carcasa AXIS T97A10
the table is flush with the cabinet
la mesa está alineada con el armario
bathroom cabinet
armario del cuarto de baño
He was so competent that he was immediately chosen to join my own country's Cabinet.
Fue tan competente que ha sido elegido inmediatamente para formar parte del Consejo de Ministros de mi país.
He chairs the meetings of the Council of Ministers (cabinet), and retains overall responsibility in key areas of foreign affairs and defence.
Preside las reuniones del Consejo de Ministros y es el máximo responsable en los ámbitos de asuntos exteriores y defensa.
Mr Fischer was unable to stay here with us, because he had to return to Bonn for a special meeting of the Federal Cabinet on the Kosovo crisis.
Fischer ya no se encuentra aquí porque ha tenido que regresar a Bonn para asistir a una reunión extraordinaria del Consejo de Ministros federal con motivo de la crisis de Kosovo.
entredós{m} (mueble)
Labelling will also be applied to commercial and industrial energy-using products, such as cold storage rooms or chilled display cabinets.
El etiquetado se aplicará también a los productos comerciales e industriales que utilizan energía, como las cámaras frías o las vitrinas de venta refrigeradas.
ministerial{adj.} (reunión)
The Commission noted the applause with which Mr Tomlinson's speech was greeted by his colleagues and I began to fear that he was preparing himself for a cabinet post in the next government.
Tomlinson y he empezado a temer que esté preparándose para un puesto ministerial en el próximo gobierno.

Synonyms (English) for "cabinet":
Context examples for "cabinets" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The speaker cabinet models in Eleven are based on the following original speaker cabinets:
Los modelos de recintos de altavoces de Eleven están basados en los siguientes recintos de altavoces originales:
Position the wireless router off of the floor and away from walls and metal objects, such as metal file cabinets.
Coloque el enrutador inalámbrico alejado del suelo, de las paredes y de objetos metálicos, como archivadores metálicos.
Housings & Cabinets in Europe
Carcasas en Europa
These names are used solely to identify the guitar amplifiers, speaker cabinets, loudspeakers, and microphones emulated by the Eleven LE plug-in.
Estas marcas se usan únicamente para identificar los amplificadores de guitarra, recintos, altavoces y micrófonos emulados por el plug-in Eleven LE.
Now with two 4x12 cabinets loaded with “greenback” Celestions, and a 100-watt head, the Marshall stack was born and ready to usher in the era of the Guitar God.
Y así, con dos cajas de 4x12 cargadas con Celestions verdes y un cabezal de 100W, la torre Marshall vio la luz dispuesta a iniciar la era del Dios de la Guitarra.