
"ministerial" in English

"ministerial" in English
ministerial{adjective masculine/feminine}
"ministerial" in Spanish
ministerial{adjective masculine/feminine}
Primera hipótesis, convocar rápidamente otra conferencia ministerial.
The first scenario is to convene another ministerial conference quickly.
La Conferencia ministerial euromediterránea sobre migración se celebrará en noviembre.
The Euromed Ministerial Conference on Migration will be held in November.
ministerial no se encuentra, por tanto, en el sacerdocio de Cristo, el cual
and the ministerial priesthood is not found in the priesthood of Christ, which
Tomlinson y he empezado a temer que esté preparándose para un puesto ministerial en el próximo gobierno.
The Commission noted the applause with which Mr Tomlinson's speech was greeted by his colleagues and I began to fear that he was preparing himself for a cabinet post in the next government.
ministerial{adj. m/f}
The first scenario is to convene another ministerial conference quickly.
Primera hipótesis, convocar rápidamente otra conferencia ministerial.
The Euromed Ministerial Conference on Migration will be held in November.
La Conferencia ministerial euromediterránea sobre migración se celebrará en noviembre.
and the ministerial priesthood is not found in the priesthood of Christ, which
ministerial no se encuentra, por tanto, en el sacerdocio de Cristo, el cual

Synonyms (Spanish) for "ministerial":
Context examples for "ministerial" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
pastoral ministerial, es necesario que, para evitar desviaciones pastorales y
ministry, and to avoid situations of abuse and disciplinary irregularity in
del sacerdocio ministerial para la vida y el desarrollo de la comunidad
priesthood for the life and growth of Christian communities, the Congregation
consagrada con la ministerial y por ofrecer su peculiar contribución
vocation and to offering their special contribution to the mission of the
La Presidencia holandesa celebró la primavera pasada una gran Conferencia Ministerial en La Haya.
Last spring the Dutch Presidency held a large Conference of Ministers in the Hague.
Como sabemos, la Conferencia Ministerial de Seúl es una reunión de gobiernos.
As we know, the Seoul assembly is a meeting of governments.
examen (llevado a cabo por la Conferencia Ministerial) (IPE 6)
developing country Members: see also developing country Members (AD15)
La necesidad de un arbitraje independiente no puede excluir las orientaciones de la política ministerial.
It is an energy resource which is halfway between being renewable and non-renewable.
Todo eso se confirmó este fin de semana en la reunión ministerial de Evian.
It was evident at Evian with ministers this weekend.
El sacerdocio ministerial es por tanto absolutamente insostituible.
Thus the ordained priesthood is absolutely irreplaceable.
Este enfoque se confirmó en la reunión de la Troika ministerial UE-EE.UU. celebrada en Eslovenia el 12 de marzo.
This approach was also confirmed at the Trio's EU-USA meeting held in Slovenia on 12 March.
Por eso, comentamos la situación de Belarús en la troika ministerial con el Ministro Lavrov la semana pasada.
Such a policy would clearly also hit the population as such, and will further isolate Belarus.
En segundo lugar, la reunión de alto nivel no puede ser una reunión de funcionarios, debe tener un impulso ministerial.
Secondly, a high-level meeting should not be a meeting of senior officials.
Nuestra tarea es asegurar que el público comprenda y apoye lo que estamos negociando en esta reunión ministerial tan importante.
Major policy decisions are taken by democratically elected ministers in the Council.
Recientemente, en la reunión ministerial regular se acordó intensificar el diálogo entre la UE y la OPEC.
By 2030, this dependency could grow to almost 70 %, with 90 % of oil and 80 % of gas consumed coming from outside the EU.
A este respecto se dio un primer paso durante la conferencia ministerial informal celebrada en Groninga.
We are now working on the basic principles for integration which will, if possible, be laid down during the Dutch Presidency.
Como primera medida a este respecto, el 6 de mayo celebramos una troika ministerial con Japón paralelamente a la reunión de la ASEM.
This provides us with an opening that we should use to foster relations with all regional players.
El Libro Verde se elaboró también en respuesta a la conferencia ministerial de la OMS, en la que participaron todos los Estados miembros.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the rapporteur, Mr Bowis, for his excellent report.
ministerial: la llamada pública de la Iglesia.
the public call of the Church.
De este carácter ministerial de la
Priests who participate in the ministry
¿Qué novedades se prevén para la Tercera Conferencia Ministerial Euromediterránea que tendrá lugar en Stuttgart en abril de 1999?
What new suggestions are likely to be put forward at the Third Euro-Mediterranean Conference, to be held in Stuttgart in April 1999?