
"armarios" in English

"armarios" in English
armarios{masculine plural}
armarios{masculine plural}
Entonces ¿por qué no vaciar el armario de tu PC borrando algunas carpetas antiguas y programas obsoletos del disco duro?
So let’s empty your PC’s closet by clearing some old folders and outdated programs from your hard drive.
¿Alguna vez has abierto el armario y has visto una chaqueta de sport que no te has vuelto a poner desde que cambiaron al presidente de la empresa?
Ever open a closet and see a sport coat you hadn’t worn in two presidential administrations?
tener un esqueleto en el armario
to have a skeleton in the closet
al armario lo heredamos del inquilino anterior
the cupboard is a legacy from the previous tenant
Evidentemente, hay que sacar del armario la asimetría, desempolvarla y examinarla muy a fondo en las negociaciones.
Obviously asymmetry has to be taken out of the cupboard and given a good dusting down and has to be discussed very fully in the negotiations.
quisiera deshacerme de este armario viejo
I'd like to get rid of this old cupboard
Serie de armarios de vigilancia AXIS T98A-VE Carcasa AXIS T97A10
AXIS T98A-VE Surveillance Cabinet Series AXIS T97A10 Enclosure
la mesa está alineada con el armario
the table is flush with the cabinet
armario del cuarto de baño
bathroom cabinet
por poco se me cae el armario encima
the wardrobe nearly fell on top of me
un armario de dos cuerpos
a double wardrobe
press{noun} (large cupboard)

Context examples for "armarios" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
hurgué en los armarios buscándolo
I rummaged through the cupboards trying to find it
esculqué los armarios buscándolo
I rummaged through the cupboards trying to find it
armarios para uso colectivo
wardrobes for organisations
Antes, cuando uno iba a la biblioteca, veía impresionantes hileras de libros que se podían coger de los armarios, se les ponía el sello y se cogían prestados.
In the past, when you went to a library, there were impressive long rows of books that you could take off the shelf, have stamped and take away with you.