
"business law" in Spanish

"business law" in Spanish

Context examples for "business law" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
13.00 Lunch hosted by Faculty of Business and Law (Staffroom, McInerney Building) Prof Philip Clarke, Head of the School of Law and Acting Dean
13.00 Almuerzo ofrecido por la Facultad de Empresariales y Derecho (Staffroom, McInerney Building) Sra. Ruth Rentschler, Programa de Gestión del Arte Professor Philip Clarke, Decano en funciones
Once again it seems that the law of business or, in other words, the law of the strongest has been preferred over the protection of consumers, SMEs and our craftsmen...
Nuevamente, parece que la ley de " todo es negocio ", es decir, la del más fuerte, ha sido elegida por encima de la defensa de los consumidores, de las PYMES y de nuestros artesanos...
Once again it seems that the law of business or, in other words, the law of the strongest has been preferred over the protection of consumers, SMEs and our craftsmen ...
Nuevamente, parece que la ley de "todo es negocio" , es decir, la del más fuerte, ha sido elegida por encima de la defensa de los consumidores, de las PYMES y de nuestros artesanos...
Thirdly, the European Union needs to take cultural diversity seriously in its own lawmaking, which means that it must not, in the services directive, be absorbed into business law.
Al contrario, los servicios audiovisuales deben excluirse del proyecto de directiva de servicios si no queremos perder credibilidad ante la UNESCO y capacidad de negociación con ella.