
"bestiality" in Spanish

"bestiality" in Spanish
is illegal or violates any applicable local and national laws; including but not limited to child pornography, bestiality, incest, illegal drugs, software piracy, and harassment.
sea ilegal o infrinja cualquier ley local y nacional; eso incluye, sin limitarse a, pornografía infantil, bestialidad, incesto, drogas ilegales, piratería de software y acoso.
The bestiality of the activities of the Dutroux gang and the frequency of reoffending among paedophiles must make us think about our scale of values and about increasing the penalties.
La bestialidad de los actos de la banda Dutroux y la frecuencia de la recidiva entre los pedófilos deben hacernos reflexionar en nuestra escala de valores y en el agravamiento de las sanciones.
Many people the world over are asking whether there can be any greater degeneracy and bestiality than the murder of a child in its mother’ s womb.
Muchas personas de todo el mundo se preguntan si puede haber mayor degeneración y brutalidad que el asesinato de un niño en el útero de su madre.
Mr President, with this report I wish to pay tribute to my many friends who have been lost, victims of the bestiality that has characterised a large part of recent history.
Señor Presidente, con este informe quiero rendir un homenaje a los numerosos amigos que he perdido, víctimas de la brutalidad que ha caracterizado una gran parte de nuestra historia reciente.
bruta{adj. f}
The whole civilized world looked on in horror at the television screens showing the bestial way in which they carried out their mission, killing two young Cypriots.
Todo el mundo civilizado se ha estremecido al ver en las pantallas de televisión de qué forma bestial ha cumplido ésta su misión matando a dos jóvenes chipriotas.
No proper Muslim in the world will support the treatment of women that has been meted out by the bestial Afghan sadists and torturers.
Ningún verdadero musulmán en el mundo apoyará el trato que han infligido a las mujeres los brutales, sádicos y torturadores afganos.

Synonyms (English) for "bestiality":
Context examples for "bestiality" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We also don't allow content that drives traffic to commercial pornography sites or that promotes pedophilia, incest, or bestiality.
Tampoco permitimos contenido que dirija el tráfico a sitios de pornografía comercial o que fomente la pedofilia, el incesto o la zoofilia.