
"to become entrenched" in Spanish

"to become entrenched" in Spanish

Similar translations for "to become entrenched" in Spanish
Context examples for "to become entrenched" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Castro has ended up like Franco and all other enemies of freedom who become entrenched in power.
Castro termina como Franco y todos los enemigos de la libertad cuando se enquistan en el poder.
This solution must not become entrenched in a national-level mentality.
Esta solución no debe encerrarse en una lógica nacional.
On the contrary, in the last round of negotiations, the positions of the two parties had become even more entrenched.
Al contrario, en la última ronda de negociaciones, las posturas de ambas partes se habían atrincherado todavía más.
it has become deeply entrenched in our society
está enquistado en nuestra sociedad
The aim was to relax the export controls and ensure that cryptographical restrictions did not become entrenched.
Con ello se suavizan los controles sobre la exportación y se cierra el paso a la consolidación de las restricciones criptográficas.
This is a pity, because it is often much easier to reach agreement at an early stage before opinions become too firmly entrenched.
Es de lamentar, porque en general es mucho más fácil alcanzar un acuerdo en una fase preliminar, cuando aún no se ha profundizado en las propias posturas.
I also get the impression that Parliament has become entrenched in its previous positions, with supporters remaining supporters, and opponents remaining opponents.
También tengo la impresión de que el Parlamento se ha atrincherado en sus posiciones anteriores, con los defensores como defensores y los detractores como detractores.
(RO) Mr President, I welcome the civil movements in Tunisia and Egypt that have successfully toppled two dictatorial regimes which had become entrenched over several decades.
(RO) Señor Presidente, acojo con beneplácito los movimientos civiles de Túnez y Egipto que han logrado derrocar dos regímenes dictatoriales que se habían mantenido durante varias décadas.