
"attempted murder" in Spanish

"attempted murder" in English

Context examples for "attempted murder" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The European Parliament condemns the attempted murder of President Ramos-Horta in the strongest terms.
El Parlamento Europeo condena rotundamente el asesinato frustrado contra el Presidente Ramos-Horta.
Tell the men of violence that throwing a paving stone at someone else' s window may be interpreted as attempted murder.
Expliquemos a los violentos que una piedra lanzada contra el cristal de otro puede ser un intento de asesinato.
Today he is accused of attempted murder and lewd violent acts, despite having been exonerated of the accusations.
Hoy está acusado de homicidio en grado de frustración y actos lascivos violentos; todo ello, a pesar de haber sido exonerado de tales acusaciones.
At the very least faking medicines involves bodily harm, if not attempted murder, but it has nothing to do with questions of intellectual property.
Como mínimo los medicamentos falsos implican daños en el cuerpo, si no intento de asesinato, pero no tiene nada que ver con el tema de la propiedad intelectual.
Every year, hundreds of women die in Europe as a result of domestic violence, with a large number of attempted murder cases being reported on top of that.
Todos los años, cientos de mujeres mueren en Europa debido a la violencia doméstica, a lo que se añade la comunicación de un gran número de casos de intentos de asesinato.
An identical murder was attempted very recently in the town of Mersin and direct threats are against churches via the telephone or even in newspaper columns.
En la ciudad de Mersin se ha producido recientemente un intento de asesinato idéntico y se lanzan amenazas directas por teléfono contra las iglesias o incluso en columnas de prensa.