
"atreverse" in English

"atreverse" in English
Europa debería atreverse a atacar estas dificultades de raíz con propuestas de gobernanza atrevidas.
Europe should instead dare to attack these challenges head on with bold governance proposals.
No basta con libros verdes, hay que atreverse a acometer el futuro.
We must dare to face up to the reality of the matter.
Atreverse a hablar de ello ya es actuar.
To dare to talk about mental health problems is already to have taken action.
Creo que Europa debe atreverse a competir con economías pujantes como la china, siempre que sea en igualdad de condiciones.
I take the view that Europe must venture to compete with up-and-coming economies such as China’s, provided this is done on a level playing field.
Quisiera dar las gracias a la señora Schroedter por atreverse a tratar un tema de tamaña importancia para el futuro de Europa.
I would like to thank Mrs Schroedter for venturing to tackle an issue of such importance for the future of Europe.
En este sentido, quisiera insistir una vez más en que la Comisión debería atreverse por fin a poner el dedo en la llaga.
Speaking from that standpoint, I would like to urge the Commission just a little bit more to venture at some juncture to put its fingers on the stigmata.
to dare{v.t.}
Europa debería atreverse a atacar estas dificultades de raíz con propuestas de gobernanza atrevidas.
Europe should instead dare to attack these challenges head on with bold governance proposals.
No basta con libros verdes, hay que atreverse a acometer el futuro.
We must dare to face up to the reality of the matter.
Atreverse a hablar de ello ya es actuar.
To dare to talk about mental health problems is already to have taken action.

Context examples for "atreverse" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Formular esta pregunta y atreverse a intentarlo es responsabilidad de la Unión Europea.
It is the European Union's responsibility to ask this question and have a crack at it.
Formular esta pregunta y atreverse a intentarlo es responsabilidad de la Unión Europea.
It is the European Union' s responsibility to ask this question and have a crack at it.
No atreverse a hacerla nos saldría más cara.
Enlargement to the east can be financed; not to take the risk would cost us more dearly.
La Unión debe aprender su lección y atreverse a actuar unánimemente con respecto a Chipre.
The Union must learn its lessons and be brave enough to act as one with respect to Cyprus.
Cómo, de lo contrario, atreverse a hablar de« modelo social europeo».
Otherwise, how can we possibly talk about a " European social model '?
Cómo, de lo contrario, atreverse a hablar de «modelo social europeo».
Otherwise, how can we possibly talk about a "European social model' ?
Willy Brandt ganó unas elecciones hace más de 25 años bajo el lema «atreverse a más democracia».
Over 25 years ago, Willy Brandt won an election with the slogan 'Dare more democracy' .
Europa ha de atreverse a arriesgar el pellejo, las víctimas lo esperan con ansiedad.
We in Europe should have the nerve to stick our necks out; the victims are eagerly waiting for this.
Para mí, se trata de atreverse a mantenerse firme en su propia cultura.
For me, it is a matter of daring to stand by one' s own culture.
Para mí, se trata de atreverse a mantenerse firme en su propia cultura.
For me, it is a matter of daring to stand by one's own culture.
Las autoridades de los Estados miembros han de atreverse a controlar las granjas y su productividad.
The national authorities must dare to monitor farms and their production.
Yo no sé con todos estos asesinatos quién va a atreverse a defender los derechos humanos en Colombia.
I do not know who is going to try to defend human rights in Colombia with all these murders.
Europa debería atreverse a atacar estas dificultades de raíz con propuestas de gobernanza atrevidas.
Europe should instead dare to attack these challenges head on with bold governance proposals.
No basta con libros verdes, hay que atreverse a acometer el futuro.
We must dare to face up to the reality of the matter.
Señor Presidente Santer, usted acaba de decir que el mayor riesgo consiste en no atreverse a emprender nuevas tareas.
Not taking any risks is the greatest risk, President Santer, as you so rightly said.
Atreverse a hablar de ello ya es actuar.
To dare to talk about mental health problems is already to have taken action.
La UE debe atreverse a recompensar, no a penalizar, el coraje, el espíritu empresarial, la curiosidad y la creatividad.
The EU must dare to reward - not punish - courage, entrepreneurship, curiosity and creativity.
El Parlamento ha de atreverse a definir sus prioridades.
Parliament must have the courage to set priorities.
Hay que atreverse a elegir y asumir el riesgo.
We must have the courage to choose and to accept the risk.
atreverse a alcanzar la verdad del ser.
gaze to the heights, not daring to rise to the truth of being.