
"asistir a" in English

"asistir a" in English
asistir a{intransitive verb}
asistir a{verb}
to attend{v.t.} (go to regularly)
En ocasiones, es posible demostrar que prefieren asistir a los congresos de sus partidos.
Sometimes it can be proven that they prefer to attend party conferences.
No puede obligarse a los monjes tibetanos a asistir a cursos de formación ideológica.
Tibetan monks cannot be compelled to attend ideological training.
El Consejo no está presente porque ha preferido asistir a una reunión informal.
The Council is not present here as its representative preferred to attend an informal meeting.
to attend{v.t.} (be present at)
En ocasiones, es posible demostrar que prefieren asistir a los congresos de sus partidos.
Sometimes it can be proven that they prefer to attend party conferences.
No puede obligarse a los monjes tibetanos a asistir a cursos de formación ideológica.
Tibetan monks cannot be compelled to attend ideological training.
El Consejo no está presente porque ha preferido asistir a una reunión informal.
The Council is not present here as its representative preferred to attend an informal meeting.
asistir a{intransitive verb}
to keep{vb} (appointment)

Similar translations for "asistir a" in English
Context examples for "asistir a" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El objetivo no ha de ser el de asistir a los ciudadanos sino responsabilizarlos.
The aim must not be to help the people but to make them take responsibility.
Mis electores no quieren asistir a la creación de un Estado federal llamado Europa.
My constituents do not want to see the creation of a federal state called Europe.
Siempre es todo un reto generar un verdadero debate y no asistir a simples monólogos.
It is always a challenge to create a real debate and not just to have monologues.
Entonces esas personas podrán posiblemente asistir alguna vez a un curso de idiomas.
Perhaps the latter could in those circumstances go on language courses at some stage.
Por desgracia, la Presidencia francesa no está dispuesta a asistir a estas reuniones.
Unfortunately the French presidency is unwilling to come to these meetings.
¿Cómo pueden decir esto y asistir a una Cámara en la que dicen ser demócratas?
How can you say that and sit in a House where you claim to be democrats?
No queremos asistir como espectadores a los cambios industriales y sociales en curso.
We do not want to be mere spectators of the progress of industrial and social change.
Puedo confirmar que 30 miembros no tuvieron los medios para asistir a Seattle.
I can confirm that 30 members did not have the capacity or the ability to go to Seattle.
Tal ha de ser el mejor modo en que Europa puede asistir a la Rusia del futuro.
This has to be the best way Europe can assist the Russia of the future.
Está el caso del ganador del premio Nobel que no pudo asistir a la entrega en Oslo.
We have the Nobel prize-winner who could not attend the meeting in Oslo.
La mayoría de la gente está deseosa de asistir a un buen partido y espera que sea seguro.
Most people are looking forward to a good match and hope that it will be safe.
Señor Presidente, Señorías, me complace sobremanera asistir hoy a este debate.
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I am extremely happy to be attending this debate today.
Contamos con medios suficientes para averiguar cuándo podemos asistir a un debate aquí.
We have sufficient means of finding out when we could attend a debate here.
No puede afirmarse que todo el mundo acostumbre a asistir a los debates importantes.
It is not the case that people are usually here when important discussions are going on.
Tampoco Rusia está interesada en asistir a un aumento de la inestabilidad en el Cáucaso.
Russia too has no interest in seeing increased instability in the Caucasus.
Señor Presidente, Señorías, me complace sobremanera asistir hoy a este debate.
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I am extremely happy to be attending this debate today.
¿Qué requisitos se exigen para asistir a la Junta General de Accionistas?
What are the requirements for attending a General Meeting of Shareholders?
Está de viaje a Finlandia con la Ministra Lehtomäki para asistir a la cumbre UE-India.
He is flying with Minister Lehtomäki to Finland for the EU-India Summit.
El Consejo no está presente porque ha preferido asistir a una reunión informal.
The Council is not present here as its representative preferred to attend an informal meeting.
Con este trasfondo, resulta casi absurdo asistir hoy a este debate.
Against that background, it is, if anything, absurd to attend today' s debate.