
"amateurish" in Spanish

chapucero{adj. m}
Unfortunately to date this has been approached in an amateurish fashion.
Desgraciadamente, hasta la fecha esto solo se ha abordado de forma algo chapucera.
chapucera{adj. f}
Unfortunately to date this has been approached in an amateurish fashion.
Desgraciadamente, hasta la fecha esto solo se ha abordado de forma algo chapucera.

Synonyms (English) for "amateurish":
Context examples for "amateurish" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The way in which this Treaty was marketed was shoddy, amateurish and totally clueless.
La forma en que se ha publicitado este Tratado ha sido deplorable, poco profesional y totalmente carente de orientación.
This gives a very amateurish impression.
Esto da una fuerte impresión de falta de profesionalidad.
However, given the importance of this issue, the Council has taken a really amateurish approach in this case.
Sin embargo, dada la importancia de esta cuestión, el Consejo ha adoptado un enfoque realmente poco profesional en este caso.
The promising attempt at a solution in the form of co-financing was allowed to slip out of sight at the very beginning, which was an amateurish way to proceed.
Se ha renunciado ya desde el principio al muy prometedor enfoque de una cofinanciación.
Madam President, the policy of fast-track door-opening to Belarus has been poorly drafted and conducted in an amateurish manner.
Señora Presidenta, la política de apertura rápida de puertas a Bielorrusia es muy deficiente y se ha llevado a cabo de manera aficionada.
Instead of this we are being given a mass of detailed rules that are incomplete, inconsistent, amateurish and highly dangerous for democracy.
En su lugar, hemos recibido una mezcolanza de normas detalladas, incompletas, contradictorias, diletantes y que constituyen una grave amenaza para la democracia.
Unless the Commission comes forward immediately with some answers on this project, we in the EU run the risk of appearing amateurish and irresponsible.
A no ser que la Comisión aporte inmediatamente algunas respuestas sobre este proyecto, en la UE corremos el riesgo de parecer aficionados e irresponsables.
Overall, the Committee on Budgetary Control is very concerned about the extent to which an amateurish improvisatory approach has prevailed in the administration to date.
En general, la Comisión de Control Presupuestario está muy preocupada por la medida en que hasta la fecha ha prevalecido en la administración un enfoque improvisado y amateur.