
"accommodating attitude" in Spanish

"accommodating attitude" in Spanish

Context examples for "accommodating attitude" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We do not, therefore, have a weak and accommodating attitude towards that country.
No se trata, pues, de una actitud blanda y complaciente hacia ese país.
We do not, therefore, have a weak and accommodating attitude towards that country.
Creo que Europa debe mostrar el camino, trabajando con otros, por supuesto, pero debe hacerlo para avanzar en esta causa.
In order to secure such an accommodating attitude on the part of the local authorities, supplementary economic or training projects could be financed on a local basis.
Para lograr un comportamiento de este tipo por parte de las autoridades locales, se podrían entonces financiar adicionalmente proyectos locales de carácter económico o escolar.