
"transigente" in English

"transigente" in English

Synonyms (Spanish) for "transigente":
Context examples for "transigente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La Comisión es demasiado transigente en esta cuestión y es necesario que sea más radical.
The Commission is too soft on this issue and it needs to be more radical.
En resumen, me temo que esta vez los Verdes se dan a conocer como un defensor demasiado transigente de un régimen monstruoso.
In a word, I fear that the Green Group is proving somewhat late in the day that is an uncritical defender of a monstrous regime.
Ahora puede sonar como un simple poema, incluso puede sonar bastante transigente, como si el hombre fuera la primera creación y la mujer fuera una idea de último momento.
Now this sounds like a very simple poem. It even sounds rather condescending, as if the man was the first creation and women were a mere afterthought.