
"a mi manera" in English

"a mi manera" in English
my way{adv.}
seguiré haciéndolo a mi manera
I shall continue to do it my way
yo lo hago a mi manera
I do it my way
No alcanzo a dar respuesta a todas las preguntas, pero a lo que yo he hecho referencia aquí es a mi manera de entender las medidas concretas.
I do not have time to answer every specific question, but what I have been talking about here is my way of setting to work on the concrete measures.

Similar translations for "a mi manera" in English
E- mi- me
Context examples for "a mi manera" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
También fui durante mucho tiempo jefe de la oposición en mi país - demasiado tiempo, a mi manera de ver -.
I was also head of opposition in my country for a long time, too long for my liking.
Quiero plantear muchas cuestiones idénticas, pero a mi manera.
I want to put many of the same points, but in my own way.
Señora Presidenta, a mi manera de ver, la responsabilidad política relativa a los gastos es algo extremadamente sencillo de gestionar.
Madam President, for me, political accountability for spending is as easy as pie.
Deseo, no obstante, comentarla un poco a mi manera.
I would, however, like to add a few personal comments.
yo lo hago a mi manera
recipe? forget the recipe, I do it my own way
seguiré haciéndolo a mi manera
I shall continue to do it my way
yo lo hago a mi manera
I have my own way of doing it
yo lo hago a mi manera
I do it my way
No alcanzo a dar respuesta a todas las preguntas, pero a lo que yo he hecho referencia aquí es a mi manera de entender las medidas concretas.
I do not have time to answer every specific question, but what I have been talking about here is my way of setting to work on the concrete measures.