
"a mi parecer" in English

"a mi parecer" in English
a mi parecer{adverb}
methinks{adv.} [arch.]
MacCormick porque, a mi parecer, protesta demasiado.
I want to pick up on Mr MacCormick's points, because methinks he protests too much.
A mi parecer, es una exageración poética.
Methinks this is a poetic exaggeration.

Similar translations for "a mi parecer" in English
E- me- mi
Context examples for "a mi parecer" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
A mi parecer, las nuevas directivas deben ser avanzadas, equitativas y funcionales.
I see a requirement for the new Directives to be progressive, fair and functional.
No sólo se trata de la estrategia adecuada, sino de la única posible, a mi parecer.
We not only have the right strategy, I believe we have the only possible strategy.
A mi parecer, esta discrepancia es más imaginaria que real, en la mayoría de los casos.
In my view, this variance is, in the majority of cases, more imagined than real.
Pero 200 mg/m3 son, a mi parecer, un nivel muy aceptable y deberíamos mantenerlo.
But 200 mg/m3 is, I believe, a perfectly appropriate value, and we should stick to it.
La aprobación definitiva de Galileo, a mi parecer, demuestra tres hechos importantes.
The final approval of Galileo, in my view, demonstrates three important facts.
Los resultados de los apartados 2 y 3 de este informe son importantes, a mi parecer.
The findings of paragraphs 2 and 3 of this report are important, in my view.
Esta opinión ha sido expresada, a mi parecer, de forma muy clara y eso me complace.
This opinion has, in my view, been expressed very clearly, which I am pleased to see.
En este sentido deben entenderse, a mi parecer, las exhortaciones del Parlamento.
I think our proposals from Parliament should be understood in this sense.
Pero 200 mg/ m3 son, a mi parecer, un nivel muy aceptable y deberíamos mantenerlo.
But 200 mg/ m3 is, I believe, a perfectly appropriate value, and we should stick to it.
A mi parecer, el mutuo reconocimiento de criterios y normas cumple esta condición.
I think that the mutual recognition of standards meets this requirement.
A mi parecer, la presente directiva no aportará un valor añadido realmente decisivo.
In my view, the directive before us will achieve no decisive added value.
A mi parecer, el empleo no constituye un objetivo en sí mismo en lo que respecta al Banco.
In my view, employment is not a goal in itself as far as the Bank is concerned.
Señor Morillon, su informe es, a mi parecer, absolutamente realista y responsable.
Mr Morillon, in my view, your report is an exceptionally realistic and responsible report.
A mi parecer, lo mismo se aplica al presupuesto disponible para el transporte.
They also apply, in my opinion, to the budget available for transport.
hecho, a mi parecer, más consciente de cómo sea verdaderamente necesaria para
has become, it seems, more aware, in all humanity's various spheres of
La aprobación de la gestión del Fondo de Desarrollo constituye un buen ejemplo, a mi parecer.
A good example of this, in my view, is the discharge for the Development Funds.
A mi parecer, la pregunta que debemos hacernos es cómo garantizar el acervo social.
I believe that the question we need to ask ourselves is how to guarantee the social acquis.
No obstante, no debería contemplarse, a mi parecer, la regulación jurídica del acceso.
It is my view, however, that we should dispense with legal access rules.
En este contexto, ella pensaba sobre todo en Rusia, lo cual es muy razonable a mi parecer.
She has Russia particularly in mind here, and I think that is very sensible.
El camino que se ha marcado no es, lamentablemente, demasiado transitable, a mi parecer.
Unfortunately, the approach chosen is, in my opinion, not very practical.