
"a lo lejos" in English

"a lo lejos" in English
a lo lejos{adverb}
atisbaron a lo lejos las primeras casas del pueblo
they discerned the first houses of the town in the distance
se adivinaba a lo lejos la silueta borrosa de una aldea
in the distance they could just make out the blurred outline of a village
las montañas se perfilaban a lo lejos
the mountains could be seen outlined in the distance
afar{adv.} [TM] [poet.] [idiom]
a lo lejos
afar off

Similar translations for "a lo lejos" in English
Context examples for "a lo lejos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
se adivinaba a lo lejos la silueta borrosa de una aldea
in the distance they could just make out the blurred outline of a village
atisbaron a lo lejos las primeras casas del pueblo
they discerned the first houses of the town in the distance
Miras a lo lejos y entonces sabes a dónde vas a ir y automáticamente pones los pies en el sitio adecuado.
You look far away and then you know where you are going and you automatically put your feet in the right place.
a lo lejos se oía repicar las campanas
you could hear the church bells ringing in the distance
a lo lejos destacaba el campanario de la iglesia
the church tower stood out in the distance
las montañas se perfilaban a lo lejos
the mountains could be seen outlined in the distance
la montaña negreaba a lo lejos
the black bulk of the mountain was visible in the distance
la fila de gente se perdía a lo lejos
the line of people stretched far into the distance
se oía una flauta a lo lejos
the strains of a flute could be heard in the distance
se veía a lo lejos el humo de la chimenea
the chimney was smoking in the distance
se oyó como una explosión a lo lejos
there was a sound like a distant explosion
a lo lejos se divisaba un poblado
they could make out a village in the distance
a lo lejos se distingue la catedral
the cathedral can be seen in the distance
a lo lejos vi un bulto que se movía
I saw a shape moving in the distance
se pueden ver las montañas a lo lejos
you can see the mountains beyond
oía campanas a lo lejos
I could hear the distant sound of bells
a lo lejos
far away in the distance
a lo lejos
in the far distance
mirar a lo lejos
to look off
a lo lejos
in the distance