
"a intervalos" in English

"a intervalos" in English
Lo sabemos los que lo estamos intentando a intervalos regulares.
We who try at regular intervals to bring about such changes are aware of that.
La Comisión considera que el transporte se realiza a intervalos regulares y fijos.
The Commission wants such checks to take place at regular, fixed intervals.
No obstante, nos gustaría que esto también se pudiera verificar a intervalos regulares.
We would, however, like this also to remain verifiable at regular intervals.

Similar translations for "a intervalos" in English
a la ordenadjective
a muerteadjective
a graneladjective
a favoradjective
a fondoadjective
Context examples for "a intervalos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La Comisión considera que el transporte se realiza a intervalos regulares y fijos.
The Commission wants such checks to take place at regular, fixed intervals.
No obstante, nos gustaría que esto también se pudiera verificar a intervalos regulares.
We would, however, like this also to remain verifiable at regular intervals.
Se calculó el número necesario a tratar (NNT) con intervalos de confianza del 95%.
Number-needed-to-treat-to-benefit (NNT) was calculated, with 95% confidence intervals (CI).
Se ha ido declarando muerto a intervalos regulares desde que nació.
It has been pronounced dead at regular intervals ever since it came into being.
Seguirán informando a las autoridades competentes a intervalos regulares.
They continue to report to the competent authorities on a periodic basis.
Lo sabemos los que lo estamos intentando a intervalos regulares.
We who try at regular intervals to bring about such changes are aware of that.
Las pruebas deberían ser obligatorias y llevarse a cabo a intervalos regulares.
The tests should be mandatory and carried out periodically.
Observe que el objeto parpadea a intervalos regulares.
Now you can see that the object is flashing at regular intervals.
Puede ser necesario repetir la educación a intervalos regulares, ya que su efecto puede disminuir con el tiempo.
Education may need to be repeated at regular intervals, as the effect can decline with time.
había vigías apostados a intervalos a lo largo de la carretera
sentries were strung out along the road
Estos datos no están vinculados a determinados intervalos temporales por lo que el millenium bug no puede surtir efectos.
The data are not linked to particular time intervals and will therefore not be affected by the millennium bug.
el sonido se repite a intervalos regulares
the sound is repeated at regular intervals
De hecho, queremos tener ese primer informe a finales de 2010, tras los informes de progreso a intervalos de tres años.
In fact, we want to have that first report by the end of 2010, followed by progress reports at three-yearly intervals.
La alimentación a intervalos programados de volúmenes enterales prescritos es una práctica estándar actual en los neonatos prematuros.
Scheduled interval feeding of prescribed enteral volumes is current standard practice for preterm infants.
Sin embargo, es necesario que este documento se ponga al día a los intervalos adecuados y se aplique de modo coherente.
However, it is necessary to ensure that the document is updated at appropriate intervals and consistently put into effect.
Por esa razón los fondos asignados a Bulgaria para este fin deben proporcionarse a intervalos regulares sin interrupciones.
This is why the funds allocated to Bulgaria for this purpose must be provided at regular intervals without any interruptions.
a intervalos de quince minutos
at quarter-hourly intervals
Ha sucedido al Convenio de Lomé, firmado en 1975 en la capital de Togo y actualizado posteriormente a intervalos regulares.
It followed on from the Lomé Convention, which was signed in 1975 in Lomé, the capital of Togo, and subsequently updated at regular intervals.
a intervalos de 20 minutos
at intervals of 20 minutes
a intervalos de 15 yardas
at intervals of 15 yards