
"with him" in Spanish

"with him" in Spanish
with him{pronoun}
consigo{pron.} (él)
On all of this, Mr Bangemann takes with him his knowledge and his contacts to Telefónica.
Bangemann se lleva consigo sus conocimientos y sus contactos a Telefónica.
On all of this, Mr Bangemann takes with him his knowledge and his contacts to Telefónica .
Bangemann se lleva consigo sus conocimientos y sus contactos a Telefónica.
he didn't have all the money on him
no llevaba todo el dinero consigo
On all of this, Mr Bangemann takes with him his knowledge and his contacts to Telefónica.
Bangemann se lleva consigo sus conocimientos y sus contactos a Telefónica.
On all of this, Mr Bangemann takes with him his knowledge and his contacts to Telefónica .
Bangemann se lleva consigo sus conocimientos y sus contactos a Telefónica.
he didn't have all the money on him
no llevaba todo el dinero consigo

Similar translations for "with him" in Spanish
se- él- él- se- le- lo
Context examples for "with him" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The United Left has launched an attack on Berlusconi and taken its revenge on him.
La izquierda unida ha lanzado un ataque contra Berlusconi y se ha vengado de él.
I would like to remind him that the European Union is a voluntary union of states.
Me gustaría recordarle que la Unión Europea es una unión voluntaria de Estados.
As rapporteur, I would say to him that I almost did not miss Mr Patten's absence.
Como ponente, le diría que casi no he echado de menos la presencia del Sr. Patten.
It is worth remembering, however, who it was who helped promote him to high office.
No obstante, merece la pena recordar quien ayudó a ascenderle a tan alto puesto.
I thank the Commissioner for a very thorough answer and ask him three questions.
Agradezco al Comisario su completísima respuesta y le formulo tres preguntas.
I invite him to contact the Commission so that a meeting can be set up with him.
Le invito a que se ponga en contacto con la Comisión a fin de concretar una reunión.
and every human person, in order to unite them with one another and with him in
Dios a cada hombre y a todos los , hombres, para unirlos entre sí y con EL en
We have held a meeting with him, in which I asked him a series of questions.
Hemos tenido una reunión con él, en la que yo le planteé una serie de preguntas.
We thank Mr Patten for his cooperation and we wish him success in the Balkans.
Agradecemos al Sr. Patten su colaboración y le deseamos éxito en los Balcanes.
I listened carefully to him when he said that we did not need an interim Commission.
He escuchado con atención cuando decía que no necesitamos una Comisión interina.
I am tempted to turn to the rapporteur, Mr Herman, and ask him for his opinion.
Me tienta la idea de dirigirme al ponente, Sr. Herman, y preguntarle lo que piensa.
I would like to thank him specifically for his excellent work and cooperation.
Me gustaría darle especialmente las gracias por su excelente trabajo y cooperación.
In Italy, when we select the Finance Minister, we give him a medical examination.
En Italia, cuando elegimos al Ministro de Hacienda, le sometemos a un examen médico.
religious talents and knowledge, there were entrusted to him while he has still
culturales y religiosos le fueron confiadas, siendo todavía joven, delicadas
He must be helped in an appropriate way in the evil that has befallen him, and
al que se ha de ayudar en los males que le afligen, con los medios adecuados,
When Our communications are recited to him, he says, "Stories of those of old".
que, cuando le son transmitidos Nuestros mensajes, dice: “Fábulas antiguas”?
At the time of his death, many thought that it was their turn to come to him.
En el momento de su muerte, muchos han pensado que necesitaban venir hasta él.
They were opposed to him, trying to make him leave the island and even to kill him.
Se movilizaron en su contra, intentando provocar su partida e incluso matarle.
I would like the verbatim report to include the words: "The President cut him off".
Me gustaría que el Acta recogiera las palabras: "El Presidente le interrumpe".
Had Mr Allister still been here I would have asked him who he would vote for.
Si el señor Allister estuviera aquí todavía, le habría preguntado a quién votaría.