
"well-matched" in Spanish

"well-matched" in English
to be well matched
ser del mismo nivel

Context examples for "well-matched" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Patient groups were appropriately selected and well matched.
Los grupos de pacientes se habían seleccionado adecuadamente y estaban bien pareados.
Donna and Joe are well matched
Donna y Joe hacen buena pareja
The well-matched system of negotiations between employers and employees is a part of democracy and European welfare.
El sistema de los acuerdos sociales entre la patronal y los trabajadores, basado en el principio de igualdad, forma parte de la democracia y del bienestar europeos.
to be well matched
ser del mismo nivel
to be well matched
hacer buena pareja
to be well matched
ser muy parejos
Our priorities for the presidency reflect Czech know-how, respect the continuity of EU development and are in fact well-matched to the existing problems.
Nuestras prioridades para la Presidencia reflejan la experiencia checa, respetan la continuidad de los desarrollos de la UE y, de hecho, resultan adecuadas para los problemas existentes.
Six evaluation studies (prospective, controlled community trials) with well-matched control communities consistently reported reductions in fall-related injuries across the programmes used.
Sin embargo, en todos estos estudios, la tasa de lesiones provocadas por caídas disminuyó luego de que se introdujeran los programas basados en la población.