
"water damage" in Spanish

"water damage" in English

Context examples for "water damage" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Terrorists could switch off both gas and water, increasing the damage caused in connection with a physical attack.
Los terroristas podrían desconectar tanto el gas como el agua, aumentando los daños ocasionados en caso de un ataque físico.
In such cases there is often a flooded industrial plant or another factory that causes more harm than the water damage itself.
En tales casos, a menudo hay una planta industrial inundada o alguna otra fábrica que causa más daño que el agua en sí.
In places where dykes, embankments and polders have been built and there are no obstructions to the flow of water, far less damage was suffered during the ‘flood of the century’.
Allí donde se han construido presas, diques y pólderes y no hay obstáculos para el curso del agua, los daños durante la «riada del siglo» han sido menores.
– Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, Mr Kofi Annan stated that environmental damage, water shortages and the effects of climate change were now killing more people than terrorist attacks.
Señor Presidente, como ya he dicho antes, compartimos muchos de los puntos de vista de este Parlamento sobre la reforma de las Naciones Unidas.
In places where dykes, embankments and polders have been built and there are no obstructions to the flow of water, far less damage was suffered during the ‘ flood of the century’.
Allí donde se han construido presas, diques y pólderes y no hay obstáculos para el curso del agua, los daños durante la« riada del siglo» han sido menores.