
"value judgment" in Spanish

"value judgment" in English
In other words, a simple mention, with no value judgment, of a relevant fact.
Es decir, una simple mención, sin juicio de valor alguno, de un hecho relevante.
Mr President, I have been mentioned, and a value judgment has been made against me.
Señor Presidente, he sido aludido, con juicio de valor.
MrPresident, I have been mentioned, and a value judgment has been made against me.
Señor Presidente, he sido aludido, con juicio de valor.

Synonyms (English) for "value judgment":
Context examples for "value judgment" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In other words, a simple mention, with no value judgment, of a relevant fact.
Es decir, una simple mención, sin juicio de valor alguno, de un hecho relevante.
Mr President, I have been mentioned, and a value judgment has been made against me.
Señor Presidente, he sido aludido, con juicio de valor.
MrPresident, I have been mentioned, and a value judgment has been made against me.
Señor Presidente, he sido aludido, con juicio de valor.
Is that the sort of value judgment that we should be getting in to?
¿Vamos a hacer una tasación de este tipo?
Without giving a value judgment here about the Convention phenomenon, it is evident that it entails costs.
Sin ánimo de emitir un juicio de valor sobre la Convención en sí es evidente que ella genera una serie de gastos.
Our other amendment involves removing a value judgment from what can only be an objective reference.
Justificamos la otra enmienda en el sentido de retirar una apreciación valorativa a lo que no puede ser sino una referencia objetiva.
He said: you are making a value judgment and I would actually like to hear from you, Mr Staes, what we can do in practical terms?
Ha dicho lo siguiente: usted hace un juicio de valor y realmente quisiera que me dijera, señor Staes,¿qué podemos hacer en la práctica?
He said: you are making a value judgment and I would actually like to hear from you, Mr Staes, what we can do in practical terms?
Ha dicho lo siguiente: usted hace un juicio de valor y realmente quisiera que me dijera, señor Staes, ¿qué podemos hacer en la práctica?
It is necessary to take the consequences into account but no value judgment can be attributed in this regard for the purposes of the negotiations on this text.
Es necesario asumir las consecuencias, pero no procede hacer ningún juicio de valor al respecto por cuanto se refiere a las negociaciones sobre este texto.
I cannot make any value judgment since, furthermore, I share the nationality and electoral constituency of the Members who have asked the question, on the issues raised.
Yo no puedo hacer ningún juicio de valor, dado que, además, comparto nacionalidad y circunscripción electoral con los que hacen la pregunta sobre, los temas que se plantean.
That is not a value judgment on those amendments. It is intended as a proper respect for the competence of the Bureau to fulfil the mandate it has been given.
Lo que acabo de decir no significa que esas enmiendas carezcan de valor: lo que se desea es respetar debidamente la competencia de la Mesa para desempeñar el mandato que se le ha encomendado.
I should like, however, to stress that, on the issue of the reform of the Security Council, the report puts forward a value judgment prejudicial to the discussions still under way in New York.
Pero quisiera insistir en que, en el asunto de la reforma del Consejo de Seguridad, el informe presenta un juicio de valores prejudicial para los debates que todavía se celebran en Nueva York.