
"sentencia firme" in English

"sentencia firme" in English

Similar translations for "sentencia firme" in English
Context examples for "sentencia firme" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La sentencia todavía no es firme, ya que el señor Haderer la ha recurrido.
The sentence has not yet been enforced, as Mr Haderer has appealed against it.
La sentencia todavía no es firme, ya que el señor Haderer la ha recurrido.
The sentence has not yet been enforced, as MrHaderer has appealed against it.
Asunto: Sentencia firme de un tribunal griego en relación con Olympic Airways
Subject: Final judgment by the Greek Court on Olympic Airways (OA)
¿Si la sentencia firme del tribunal de arbitraje es conforme con el Derecho Comunitario?
Is it considering whether the final judgment of the court of arbitration is in line with Community law?
nos concedieron el divorcio por sentencia firme
our decree became absolute
sentencia firme de divorcio
divorce decree
Por ejemplo, por lo que yo sé, en los 27 casos de fraudes internos que la UCLAF ha investigado desde 1994 no se ha producido hasta ahora ninguna sentencia firme.
To my knowledge, for example, final verdicts have not so far been reached in any of the 27 internal cases of fraud which UCLAF has investigated since 1994.