
"to smile on" in Spanish

"to smile on" in Spanish
sonreír{v.i.} (vida, fortuna)
Mr President, I do not think there is any harm in making people smile while explaining the reasons for one's vote.
Señor Presidente, no creo que esté mal hacer sonreír explicando por qué se ha votado.
Indeed, the nomination yesterday of Minister McCreevy as our Irish Commissioner here brings a wry smile to my face.
De hecho, la designación ayer del Ministro McCreevy como nuestro Comisario irlandés aquí me hace sonreír irónicamente.
Every time I come here I have to smile.
Cada vez que vengo aquí no me queda más remedio que sonreír.

Similar translations for "to smile on" in Spanish
Context examples for "to smile on" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
(FR) Madam President, for once we have something to smile about.
(FR) Señora Presidenta, por una vez se produce un acontecimiento que nos provoca una sonrisa.
These arguments may perhaps cause some people to smile.
Es posible que estos argumentos provoquen una sonrisa en algunos.
How, therefore, could we not smile the smile of Riley while we talk of rice, the subject of Mr Miranda's report?
Por ello,¿acaso es posible no hablar del arroz, del que se habla en este informe del Sr. Miranda?
All diplomacy could achieve with Milosevic was a scornful smile at so much Western stupidity.
Todo lo que ha podido lograr la diplomacia con Milosevic ha sido una sonrisa cínica sobre tanta estupidez occidental.
his best jokes could not provoke a smile from her
ni con el mejor de sus chistes logró arrancarle una sonrisa
(IT) Mr President, as usual, Mr Poettering had a wry smile on his lips when he came into the Hemicycle.
(IT) Señor Presidente, como de costumbre, el Sr. Poettering ha entrado en el Pleno con una sonrisa en los labios.
Even the Cheshire cat trapped behind its smile.
Ni siquiera el gato de Cheshire atrapado tras su sonrisa.
Today in Latvia, the word 'ombudsman' makes one smile. If the situation does not change, it could be likened to the word 'clown'.
Si la situación no cambia, se podría equiparar con la palabra "payaso".
If this is not a joke, it is certainly aimed at making the readers of Friday's papers smile.
Si no se trata de una broma, seguro que al menos se pretende arrancar una sonrisa a los lectores de los periódicos del viernes.
there was the merest suggestion of a smile on her face
apenas si se insinuó una sonrisa en su rostro
his dimpled face broke into a broad smile
los hoyuelos de su cara se marcaron con la amplia sonrisa
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the good news certainly put a smile on her face
por cierto que la buena noticia la alegró mucho
behind that smile there lie dishonest intentions
tras esa sonrisa se oculta una mala intención
There is no smile on the face of Wissam Abyad, in prison and badly treated since January, after just one meeting.
No hay ninguna sonrisa en el rostro de Wissan Abyad, encarcelado y maltratado desde enero, después de una sola cita.
I detected a trace of a smile on his face
advertí el esbozo de una sonrisa en su rostro
she finally managed to get a smile out of him
por fin consiguió arrancarle una sonrisa
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we'll soon wipe that smile off your face
se te van a acabar pronto las ganas de reír
when she heard his voice her smile vanished
al oír su voz se le borró la sonrisa