
"chagrin" in Spanish

"chagrin" in Spanish
to chagrin{intransitive verb}
To my chagrin, the Dutch parliament, in particular, has been guilty of this type of behaviour, even as recently as this week.
Con gran disgusto por mi parte, particularmente el parlamento neerlandés ha incurrido en este tipo de comportamiento, sin ir más lejos esta misma semana.
to chagrin[chagrined · chagrined] {intransitive verb}
To my chagrin, the Dutch parliament, in particular, has been guilty of this type of behaviour, even as recently as this week.
Con gran disgusto por mi parte, particularmente el parlamento neerlandés ha incurrido en este tipo de comportamiento, sin ir más lejos esta misma semana.

Synonyms (English) for "chagrin":
Context examples for "chagrin" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
To my chagrin, I have to say that little has been done with this criticism since.
Muy a mi pesar, he de decir que poco se ha hecho con estas críticas.
One, we will have the austerity package in place, much to the chagrin and pain of our citizens.
Uno: pondremos en marcha el paquete de austeridad, muy a pesar de nuestros ciudadanos.
In the last two lines I expressed my personal opinion, with a great deal of chagrin, so as not to have to take the floor again as a speaker.
En las dos últimas líneas he expresado mi punto de vista personal, con todo mi pesar, para no volver a tomar la palabra como orador.
Mr President, I wanted to say to our rapporteur that his report, as many people wanted it to, has been greatly reduced in the manner of Balzac's peau de chagrin.
Señor Presidente, desearía dirigirme a nuestro ponente para manifestarle que su informe, como muchos querían, se ha reducido a una 'piel de zapa?.
As transpired yesterday - much to the chagrin of the spokesperson of the PPE-DE Group - the rapporteurs Turmes and Rapkay have made proposals to moderate the effects of the Mombaur report.
Los ponentes Turmes y Rapkay formulan propuestas -muy a pesar del portavoz del Grupo PPE-DE, como pudimos observar ayer- destinadas a amortiguar los efectos del informe Mombaur.