
"to be dizzy" in Spanish

"to be dizzy" in Spanish

Context examples for "to be dizzy" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
In a word, the dynamism of that society is enough to make you dizzy.
Por decirlo todo, el dinamismo de esta sociedad casi da vértigo.
What, therefore, will happen if the animals we eat also start to suffer from fainting fits and dizzy spells, as I did?
¿Qué nos va a ocurrir si también los animales con los que nos nutrimos se sintieran mal come me sucedió a mí?
That has now risen to the dizzy heights of 18 MEPs, to hear what is an important statement on an important subject.
Ahora estamos aquí nada menos que dieciocho diputados, aun cuando se trata de un tema que reviste gran importancia.
I felt dizzy and then everything went blurred
me mareé y empecé a verlo todo borroso
inflation continued at a dizzy rate
la inflación continuaba a un ritmo vertiginoso
Diets are often uncomfortable to bear - constipation, a feeling of being constantly hungry, dizzy, etc., and so many people give up half-way.
Esto se debe al hecho que en la majoridad de los r�gimen, se pierde sobre todo la massa muscular, y no la grassa.
it makes me dizzy just watching them
solo de mirarlos me mareo
are you feeling less dizzy?
¿se te ha pasado el mareo?
the lights were making her dizzy
las luces la mareaban
he felt slightly dizzy
se sintió ligeramente mareado
do you feel dizzy?
¿se siente mareado?
he had a dizzy turn
le dio un vahído
I had a dizzy spell
me dio un mareo
she felt dizzy
le dio un mareo
to feel dizzy
estar mareado
These are mostly minor and are commonly feeling sick, being too awake or too sleepy, developing a headache, having a dry mouth or becoming constipated or dizzy.
En su mayoría estos efectos secundarios son leves, frecuentemente náuseas, insomnio o somnolencia, cefalea, sequedad bucal, estreñimiento o mareos.