
"third degree" in Spanish

"third degree" in Spanish
third degree{adjective}
he has third-degree burns
tiene quemaduras de tercer grado
third-degree burns
quemaduras de tercer grado

Context examples for "third degree" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Mr President, I am sorry that the Commissioner must be feeling that he is getting the third degree here.
Señor Presidente, lamento insistir más al Comisario.
they put me through the third degree
fue como enfrentarse a la Inquisición
they put me through the third degree
me hicieron un interrogatorio
he has third-degree burns
tiene quemaduras de tercer grado
third-degree burns
quemaduras de tercer grado
Third- and fourth-degree tears can become contaminated with bacteria from the rectum and this significantly increases in the chance of perineal wound infection.
Los desgarros de cuarto grado se pueden contaminar con bacterias del recto, lo que aumenta significativamente las probabilidades de infección de la herida perineal.
Although the data suggest that prophylactic antibiotics help to prevent perineal wound complications following third- or fourth-degree perineal tear, loss to follow-up was very high.
No hay datos suficientes para apoyar una política de antibióticos profilácticos sistemáticos en el desgarro perineal de cuarto grado durante el parto vaginal.
To assess the effectiveness of antibiotic prophylaxis for reducing maternal morbidity and side effects in third- and fourth-degree perineal tear during vaginal birth.
Evaluar la efectividad de la profilaxis antibiótica para reducir la morbilidad materna y los efectos secundarios en el desgarro perineal de cuarto grado durante el parto vaginal.
The third issue concerns the degree of self-reliance and the terms of agreement between the social partners in each Member Sate and how far they can go.
Es el tema del grado de dependencia y de los límites de los acuerdos de los interlocutores sociales en cada Estado miembro y hasta dónde puede llegar, así como el tema de las sanciones.