
"there is (singular)" in Spanish

"there is (singular)" in Spanish

Similar translations for "there is (singular)" in Spanish
Context examples for "there is (singular)" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This would be a singular move which would not help the development of agriculture.
Esta sería una acción bastante extraña que no tendría por objeto el desarrollo agrícola.
Of course we will, in the singular vernacular of conventional diplomacy.
Por supuesto que lo vamos a hacer, en el peculiar lenguaje de la diplomacia convencional.
For several reasons, and this is where he performs such a singular service in our debates.
Lo hacemos por varios motivos, y aquí entra su particular aportación a nuestros debates.
This is a singular slap in the face for the European Parliament and the European Union.
Esta es una singular ofensa al Parlamento Europeo y la Unión Europea.
commemorate the singular missionary achievement of Giovanni da Montecorvino,
lugar en Taiwán para conmemorar la singular misión llevada a cabo
Looking at singular studies, no statistically significant difference was seen.
Al examinar los estudios individuales no se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas.
singular form of THE family, about which the Pope has offered many enlightening
familia, está su filosofía, su fundamentación antropológica,
Out of this, some Greeks acquired - we shall never know how - the singular habit of conversing."
Algunos griegos contrajeron -nunca sabremos cómo- la singular costumbre de conversar."
image, and is unique-singular-unrepeatable precisely because this image is
es única-singular-irrepetible precisamente porque tal imagen es
Out of this, some Greeks acquired - we shall never know how - the singular habit of conversing
Algunos griegos contrajeron -nunca sabremos cómo- la singular costumbre de conversar. "
I agree with the Commissioner that the single aviation market has been a singular success.
Estoy de acuerdo con el Comisario en que el mercado único de la aviación ha sido un gran éxito.
Francis tells us how this singular prodigy of the Stigmata came about.
Las biografías del Santo nos narran como sucedió el prodigio del todo singular de los Estigmas.
had this singular experience in these past five decades.
diversos, ha vivido esta singular experiencia en estos cinco decenios.
The greatest emphasis should be given to using the singular
Es preciso dar toda la fuerza al uso del singular: LA
Timor stands out on account of the scale of damage and violence and the singular political situation there.
Timor está marcada por las dimensiones de la destrucción y de la violencia y una particular situación política.
The philosophy and anthropological foundation of the family lie in the singular concept and the
vida. Unida a la concepción singular y en singular de LA
However, these approaches tend to present spirit of place as an essence, as something singular, permanent and static.
(El creador puede ser un individuo, un grupo, una comunidad, un antepasado e incluso un ser sobrenatural.)
in the singular —, or rather the absence of a culture of vocation.
cultura de la vocación.
Firstly, it is a singular type of agreement.
Primero, se trata de un acuerdo sui generis.
Every religion, albeit in historically different ways, has had this singular experience in these past five decades.
Cada religión, aunque con itinerarios históricos diversos, ha vivido esta singular experiencia en estos cinco decenios.