
"sworn" in Spanish

We cannot even take for granted that it exists where people have sworn to uphold it.
Ni siquiera podemos dar por hecho que existe cuando la gente ha jurado defenderla.
I could have sworn
hubiera jurado que …
I could have sworn it was your uncle
habría jurado que era tu tío
We cannot even take for granted that it exists where people have sworn to uphold it.
Ni siquiera podemos dar por hecho que existe cuando la gente ha jurado defenderla.
I could have sworn
hubiera jurado que …
I could have sworn it was your uncle
habría jurado que era tu tío
Unfortunately, it would only invite ridicule if we were also to oblige inspectors of potatoes and flower seeds to swear such oaths.
Desgraciadamente sería ridículo si también obligásemos a los controladores de patatas y semillas de flores a prestar tal juramento.
In our country it is customary for persons taking up public positions to be sworn in.
En nuestro país es usual que se pida juramento a las personas que se hacen cargo de tareas de incumbencia estatal.
He in turn will be expected to swear in a Vice-President from the north of the country, which opens new speculations on the political scene in Nigeria.
Y se espera que él, por otro lado, tome juramento a un Vicepresidente del norte del país, lo que abre nuevas especulaciones en el escenario político de Nigeria.
If the trend continues in the same way, then it is possible that the EU will call on the public to stop swearing, smoking, drinking, sunbathing, eating unhealthy food and sleeping for a long time.
Si seguimos por ese camino, entonces la UE podrá pedir a los ciudadanos que dejen de decir palabrotas, fumar, beber, tomar el sol, comer comida basura o dormir demasiado.
to swear blind that …
jurar y perjurar que …
chuchear[chucheando · chucheado] {v.i.} [Chile] [vulg.] (decir groserías)
garabatear[garabateando · garabateado] {v.i.} [Chile] (decir palabrotas)
prestar[prestando · prestado] {v.t.} (juramento)
to swear on the Holy Bible
prestar juramento sobre los Santos Evangelios
Unfortunately, it would only invite ridicule if we were also to oblige inspectors of potatoes and flower seeds to swear such oaths.
Desgraciadamente sería ridículo si también obligásemos a los controladores de patatas y semillas de flores a prestar tal juramento.
We understand that he will be sworn in shortly, possibly by tonight, by Nigeria's Chief of Justice.
Entendemos que prestará juramento de su cargo ante el Presidente de la Corte Suprema de Nigeria en breve, posiblemente esta noche.
to swear on the Holy Bible
prestar juramento sobre los Santos Evangelios
to swear[swore · sworn] {transitive verb}
For liberals that is something akin to swearing in church.
Para los liberales, esto es algo como jurar en la iglesia.
My colleagues swear to me that the country of origin principle is implicit in the compromise text.
Mis colegas me juran que el principio del país de origen está implícito en el texto de compromiso.
They swear by their strongest oath, "Allah will not raise up him who dies.
Pues ahora, juran por Dios con sus juramentos más solemnes: “¡Jamás resucitará Dios a alguien que haya muerto!
to swear in
tomarle juramento a
to swear[swore · sworn] {intransitive verb}
soltar tacos {vb} [Spa.] [coll.]
mentar madres {vb} [Mex.] [coll.]

Synonyms (English) for "sworn":
Context examples for "sworn" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We then asked to meet the families who are not sworn to secrecy, as far as I know.
Entonces solicitamos reunirnos con las familias que, que yo sepa, están informadas.
The court's 18 judges will be sworn in and the court will be inaugurated today.
Los 18 jueces del tribunal tomarán posesión de sus cargos y la Corte quedará inaugurada hoy.
Mr President, Mr Barroso, in a few moments your Commission will be sworn in.
. – Señor Presidente, dentro de unos momentos, señor Barroso, su Comisión quedará investida.
That is the expiation of your oaths, when you have sworn; but keep your oaths.
Esta será la expiación por juramentos que habéis hecho [y roto].
Requiring inspectors to be sworn in would unfortunately, I believe, merely over-complicate the whole situation.
Exigir juramentos a los inspectores es, creo yo, desgraciadamente, complicar demasiado las cosas.
The new ministers are being sworn into office today.
Hoy toman posesión de sus cargos los nuevos ministros.
Mr President, just a few weeks ago, before Mr Kabila was sworn in, Brazzaville was a haven of peace.
Señor Presidente, hace apenas unas semanas, antes de la investidura del Sr. Kabila, Brazzaville era un reducto de paz.
the new ministers were sworn in yesterday
ayer tuvo lugar la jura del cargo de los nuevos ministros
In this assessment, the Council welcomes the progress already made by the new Croatian Government since it was sworn in last year.
En este análisis, el Consejo celebra los avances que ha realizado el gobierno croata desde que se inició el proceso.
the new president was sworn in
le tomaron la protesta al nuevo presidente
I could have sworn I'd left them here
juraría que las había dejado aquí
I could have sworn
¡qué raro! hubiera jurado que …
I could have sworn it was your uncle
habría jurado que era tu tío
I could've sworn I left it there
hubiera jurado que lo dejé ahí
she will be sworn in on Monday
prestará juramento el lunes
he was sworn in on July 22
juró su cargo el 22 de julio
" So when they had sworn their oaths he said, "Allah is in charge (witness, judge and guardian) over what we say.
Pero [aun así,] yo no puedo asistiros en absoluto frente a [lo que haya sido dispuesto por] Dios: la decisión [de lo que haya de ocurrir] está sólo en manos de Dios.
sworn to secrecy
obligado a guardar secreto
sworn statement
declaración jurada
Mr President, as was to be expected, on 1 April, Zimbabwe's current president, Robert Mugabe, will be sworn in as Head of State for another six years.
Señor Presidente, Robert Mugabe, el actual Presidente de Zimbabwe, tomará posesión de su cargo el uno de abril, como estaba previsto, para un nuevo mandato de seis años.