
"stupid thing" in Spanish

"stupid thing" in Spanish
lesera{f} [Chile] [coll.]
you did a stupid thing
hiciste una lesera
memez{f} [coll.]
that's a stupid thing to say
eso que has dicho es una memez
pijada{f} [Spa.] [coll.] (estupidez)
tontería{f} (cosa tonta)
I never said such a stupid thing
yo nunca dije semejante tontería
berenjena{f} [coll.] (cosa)

Context examples for "stupid thing" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
That would be the worst of mistakes and the most stupid thing of all to do.
Sería el peor de los errores, la peor estupidez.
It sounded to me very much like the most stupid thing which India had done for a long time.
No he oído nada tan necio de la India en mucho tiempo.
that would be a stupid thing to do, well, at least that's what I think anyway
eso sería un disparate, vamos, digo yo
I don't know how you could do such a stupid thing
no sé cómo pudiste hacer semejante burrada
whatever made you say such a stupid thing?
¿cómo se te ocurrió decirle semejante disparate?
how can you say such a stupid thing!
¡cómo puedes decir tamaño disparate!
what a stupid thing to say!
¡cipote estupidez con la que viene a salir!
they fought over some stupid little thing
se pelearon por una babosada
he said one stupid thing after another
soltó una parida tras otra
he says one stupid thing after another
no dice más que majaderías
I never said such a stupid thing
yo nunca dije semejante tontería
that was a ruddy stupid thing to do
fue una solemne estupidez
that's a stupid thing to say
eso que has dicho es una memez
it was a stupid thing to do
lo que hizo fue una majadería
that was a stupid thing to do
fue una idiotez hacer eso
that was a really stupid thing to do
¡qué sonsera!
you did a stupid thing
hiciste una lesera
Let me be clear: the most stupid thing we can do is to forget what we set out to achieve.
Lo diré claramente: la mayor estupidez que podemos hacer es olvidarnos de lo que nos propusimos conseguir, de la razón de ser del concepto de la integración europea.