
"to undeceive" in Spanish

"to undeceive" in Spanish
to deceive{transitive verb}
mistificar {v.t.} (engañar, embaucar)
The manner in which some in the West seek to betray Hezbollah does not deceive us’.
La manera en que algunas personas de Occidente buscan traicionar a Hezbolá no nos engaña.»
The people have been deceived on the accession of Turkey and duped on the VAT affair, their rejection of a super-State has been scorned, and now they have been betrayed on the Bolkestein directive.
Los ciudadanos han sido engañados sobre la adhesión turca y timados en el asunto del IVA, su rechazo del superestado ha sido desdeñado y ahora han sido traicionados con la Directiva Bolkestein.
to deceive[deceived · deceived] {transitive verb}
Labelling is an area where it is easy to deceive the consumer.
El etiquetado es un ámbito en el que es sencillo engañar al consumidor.
It will now no longer be possible, however, to deceive farmers when they feed their animals.
Sin embargo, ahora ya no será posible engañar a los ganaderos cuando alimenten a sus animales.
They would deceive Allah and those who do believe; but they deceive only themselves and they do not perceive.
Pretenden engañar a Dios y a aquellos que han llegado a creer --pero sólo se engañan a sí mismos, y no se dan cuenta.